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Moving Forward

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2011

In this 2012 edition of Moving Forward, FAO Forestry is pleased to present a selection of the work it undertook in the 2010-2011 biennium for the benefit of the global forestry community. The FAO Forestry Programme encompasses a vast range of activities and projects, of which this booklet presents only a sample. In all regions of the world, the Programme is helping to implement sustainable forest management and boost the livelihoods of forest-dependent people. It does this, in part, by improving information on forests.

Ecological design suggestions for sustainability of Sille (Konya) settlement

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2011

Realizing sustainable urban development requires setting planning processes on ecological grounds and a design approach that strengthens ecology-economics-energy relations for a life consistent with nature.

Sürdürülebilir kentsel gelişimin gerçekleşmesi, planlama süreçlerinin ekolojik temele oturtulmasını ve doğayla uyumlu bir yaşam için ekoloji-ekonomi-enerji ilişkisini güçlendiren bir tasarım yaklaşımını gerektirmektedir.

Duurzaam doenderzoek in de zeeuwse delta : ecosysteemdiensten in de praktijk : deelresultaat 2 : ecosysteemdienstenbenuttingskaart

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2011

Een ruimtelijke inventarisatie van ecosysteemdiensten waaruit blijkt wie de potentiële gebruikers zijn van ecosysteemdiensten (zoals: voedselproductie, energieproductie, drinkwaterproductie; waterberging, koolstofvastlegging, klimaatbeheersing, plaagwering; recreatie en leefbaarheid)

Duurzaam doenderzoek in de zeeuwse delta : ecosysteemdiensten in de praktijk : deelresultaat 1 : analyse van landschappen resulterend in een overzicht van ecosysteemdiensten in de provincie Zeeland

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2011

Een ruimtelijke inventarisatie van ecosysteemdiensten waaruit blijkt wie de potentiële gebruikers zijn van ecosysteemdiensten (zoals: voedselproductie, energieproductie, drinkwaterproductie; waterberging, koolstofvastlegging, klimaatbeheersing, plaagwering; recreatie en leefbaarheid)

Competing claims on natural resources

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2011

Land is serving as a basis for the production of food, feed, fibres, wood, bio-energy, for biodiversity, recreation and many other goods and services ecosystems provide. Additional to that, land can also be used for infrastructure, houses etc., making no direct use of natural resources, but of the physical land structure. While some resources and ecosystem services can be delivered simultaneously, others are mutually exclusive, and therefore tend to compete for land. Competing claims is a notion that different and/or excessive claims are made on land that may jeopardize its sustained use.

Bodem is belangrijk voor de hele maatschappij

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011

Zware machines verpesten de bodemstructuur in de akkerbouw. In de veehouderij komt bij gras scheuren een grote hoeveelheid nitraat vrij. Dit zijn maar twee voorbeelden van ongewenste effecten van maatregelen op onze bodem. En dat terwijl de maatschappij juist verwacht dat boeren hun bodem zó beheren, dat ze ook diensten voor de samenleving kunnen leveren en dat altijd kunnen blijven doen. Het is tijd voor een duurzamer bodembeheer.

Collection of Submissions on Innovative Financial Mechanisms

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011

In terms of innovative mechanisms, economic and financial mechanisms that rely on regulationand markets to provide incentives for environmental stewardship are also relevant. These mechanisms include different types of regulations and direct or indirect payments schemes, for example tradable development rights, trading of emission reduction and payment for environmental services.
Investment based mechanisms, like microfinance, are other types of mechanism that can provide financing for UNCCD and SLM practises.

Food Security Funds. Finance Info Kit.

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011

In terms of innovative mechanisms, economic and financial mechanisms that rely on regulationand markets to provide incentives for environmental stewardship are also relevant. These mechanisms include different types of regulations and direct or indirect payments schemes, for example tradable development rights, trading of emission reduction and payment for environmental services.
Investment based mechanisms, like microfinance, are other types of mechanism that can provide financing for UNCCD and SLM practises.

Sustainable Land Management in Practice. Guidelines and Best Practices for Sub-Saharan Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011

These guidelines have been developed based on FAO’s and WOCAT’s extensive experience. The book draws, in particular, on WOCAT’s network and its database of SLM knowledge - as well as on WOC AT’s first overview book entitled ‘Where the land is greener’. These guidelines were implemented in the framework of the TerrAfrica partnership, whose main objective is to mainstream and upscale SLM in SSA, through the leveraging and harmonising of multisectoral investments at the local, country, subregional and regional levels.

Combating Desertification and Land Degradation : Proven Practices from Asia and the Pacific

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011
República de Corea

Asia and the Pacific, for the purposes of this book, encompasses a vast territory extending from Mongolia in the north to New Zealand in the south; from the Cook Islands in the east to Kuwait in the west (Map 1). The environmental diversity of Asia and the Pacific is therefore vast, and is contrasted by the region’s coldest and hottest deserts, verdant tropical rainforests, extensive steppe, desert steppe, grassland and rangelands, mountains and plains.

Talking about. Annotated Glossary on Combating Desertification and Sustainable Land Mangement

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011

In the past decades, debates on agriculture, land use and management of natural resources have coined a wealth of new terms. In many cases, these are in full vogue for just a period, replace older ones or are used for political reasons. Meanwhile, there are so many terms that it is difficult to keep track and distinguish them from each other.

Cambodia’s Agricultural Strategy: Future Development Options for the Rice Sector - A Policy Discussion Paper

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2011

ABSTRACTED FROM THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This paper focuses on the role of the rice sector in Cambodian agriculture strategy. The paper first reviews the performance of the rice sector in Cambodian agriculture and rice-related government policies and interventions, and it then identifies potential and constraints for future development of the rice sector.