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Ley de desarrollo rural sustentable del Estado de Sinaloa.

América central

El objeto de esta Ley es promover el desarrollo rural sustentable del Estado de Sinaloa, mediante las siguientes bases: a) definir en el marco del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo y del Plan Estatal de Desarrollo las políticas para el desarrollo rural sustentable; b) establecer y delimitar la competencia del Estado y de los Municipios en materia de promoción del desarrollo rural sustentable; c) planear, ejecutar y evaluar de manera transversal programas y proyectos para el desarrollo rural sustentable; d) promover la concurrencia de los tres niveles de gobierno, instituciones, programas sectoria

Ley Nº 12/2014 - Ley agraria de las Illes Balears.

Europa meridional

La presente Ley tiene por objeto la ordenación general de los sectores agrícola, ganadero, forestal y agroalimentario y el desarrollo rural de las Illes Balears, a los que se reconoce el carácter estratégico y multifuncional, en el marco de la política agraria común europea y la legislación del Estado. El ámbito material de aplicación de esta ley comprende la regulación y el registro del ejercicio de la actividad agraria y complementaria; la producción, la transformación y la comercialización agraria y agroalimentaria; los usos agrarios; y otras materias relacionadas.

Regional Act No. 24 on the promotion of agricultural areas and soil preservation.

Europa meridional

This Regional Act sets forth the legislative framework for the protection and preservation of soil in the Abruzzo Region, in accordance with the principles that govern sustainable development and sustainable use of natural resources. In particular the Act establishes restrictions concerning the explotation of agricultural lands and related surfaces (art. 3).

Ley Nº 4.952 - Régimen de Protección y Fomento de los Sistemas Socioproductivos de la Agricultura Familiar.

América del Sur

La presente Ley provincial establece un Régimen de Protección y Fomento de los Sistemas Socioproductivos de la Agricultura Familiar, mediante políticas públicas de acceso a la tierra, al agua y demás bienes esenciales para la producción, el trabajo y la comercialización. La Ley reconoce en la agricultura familiar un factor imprescindible para el logro de la soberanía alimentaría en la Provincia de Río Negro.

Regional Law No. 1080-220 “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning ownership, tenure and disposal of plots agricultural land and also land share in common property. It also establishes that minimum agricultural land plot allotted to legal persons shall be 0,25 ha, while maximum agricultural land plot that can be allotted to natural and legal persons shall not exceed 50 percent of total agricultural land available within the boundaries of a single municipal unit. Regional administration shall have preferential terms for purchase of agricultural land in case of public sale thereof.

Regional Law No. 871-PK “On allotment of plots of land to multiple children family”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law establishes that plots of municipal land and plots of land with undelimited ownership shall be allotted to multiple children family in ownership free of charge and without sale for individual housing construction, suburban housing construction, subsidiary smallholding, farming, gardening, horticulture and stockbreeding. The aforesaid plots of land shall be allotted to families or single parents with three or more children of minority age. Minimum land area of plots of land shall be 0, 10 ha and maximum land area shall be 0, 25 ha.

Regional Law No. 64-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning ownership, tenure, management and disposal of agricultural land plots and agricultural land shares in common property. It establishes maximum and minimum land areas of the consolidated plots of agricultural land in case of allotment thereof out of stock of public and municipal land. Mass media shall have the duty to publish information related to turnover of the plots of agricultural land. The plots of agricultural land can be allotted to citizens for farming, grazing and haymaking, and other agricultural purposes.

Ley Nº 222 - Ley de consulta a los pueblos indígenas del territorio indígena y Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure - TIPNIS.

América del Sur

De conformidad con el derecho de las naciones y pueblos indígenas originarios campesinos a ser consultados, la presente Ley tiene por objeto convocar al proceso de consulta previa libre e informada a los pueblos indígenas del territorio indígena y Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure – TIPNIS, así como establecer el contenido de este proceso y sus procedimientos.

Law No.14/2012 amending and supplementing Law No.9693 dated 19.3.2007 on the Pasture Fund.

Europa meridional

Law No. 14/2012 amends Article 2 of the Law No.9693 of 2007 regarding areas of pasture fund that re-enter the agricultural land fund. This inclusion maybe done only for areas newly planted with trees that are part of the long term national programs and policies. Local government entities are responsible for accepting such requests and granting approvals.

Amends: Law No. 9693 on the Pasture Fund. (2007-03-19)

Land Act, 2012 (No. 6 of 2012).

África oriental

This Act makes provision for a wide variety of matters regarding public and private land and community land (as defined respectively by Articles 62, 63, 64 and 260 of the Constitution), and in particular provides of the sustainable administration and management of land and land-based resources. It also provides for (compulsory) acquisition of land.

Law No. 48 amending Law No. 257 “On moratorium on transfer of irrigated arable land to other categories of land”.

Asia central

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Irrigated arable land, transferred (transformed) in accordance with part 2 of this Article, cannot be used for other purposes”.

Amends: Law No. 257 “On moratorium on transfer of irrigated arable land to other categories of land”. (2011-06-23)