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Decreto N° 26-2007: Ley de adjudicación, venta o usufructo de bienes inmuebles propiedad del Estado de Guatemala, o de sus entidades autonómas, descentralizadas y de las municipalidades, con fines habitacionales para familias carentes de vivienda.

América central

La presente Ley introduce el marco normativo relativo a los procedimientos de adjudicación para compraventa o usufructo de bienes inmuebles propiedad del Estado o de otras entidades públicas, con fines habitacionales a favor de las familias en situación de pobreza que los ocupen. La Ley indica las distintas autoridades competentes para gestionar los procedimientos de adjudicación, según se trate de inmuebles del Estado, de las municipalidades o de otras entidades públicas.

Regional Act No. 22 promoting the use of compostable wastes and soil conditioners to protect soil quality.

Europa meridional

With a view to improving soil quality and preventing desertification, this Regional Act encourages the use of compostable wastes and soil conditioners. To this end, the regional authority grants subsidies for (i) the purchase of compostable wastes and soil conditioners and (ii) the implementation of techniques aimed at the conservation of organic compounds. The Act defines the conditions under which farmers may benefit from those subsidies. Further provisions concern the monitoring of quality of soils in Abruzzo.

Act establishing the State Fund for Soil Improvement.

República Checa
Europa oriental

This Act sets up the State Fund for Soil Improvement. It also lays down amendments to the the Act on conditions of converting agricultural and forest lands from ownership of the state to other persons and to the Agriculture Law. As from 1 January 2006, the State Fund of Soil Improvement takes over the rights and obligations pertaining to the Ministry of Agriculture in matter of soil improvement.

Regional Law No. 646-OZ “On some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law establishes price of agricultural land pertaining to public or municipal property, minimum lease period thereof, and procedure of conciliation on location of agricultural land plots allotted as land share in common land property. Minimum lease period for arable land, hayfield, pasture and other categories of agricultural land shall be 3 years.

Regional Law No. 284-OZ “On minimum and maximum land plots”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law establishes that minimum land area of newly consolidated agricultural land, including reclaimed land, allotted on condition of ownership or lease shall be 5 ha. Maximum land area of agricultural land that can be allotted or purchased by a single citizen and (or) a single legal person shall be determined in accordance with the type of agricultural activity and specified in the Annex to this Regional Law.

Regional Law No. 773-OZ “On land use planning”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law regulates composition, the modalities of elaboration and preparation of land use planning schemes that must include projected extension and location of protected areas and boundaries and changes of the boundaries of agricultural land.

Amended by: Regional Law No. 764-OZ amending Regional Law No. 773-OZ “On land use planning”. (2015-07-29)

Ley Nº 28.667 - Ley que declara la reversión de predios rústicos al dominio del estado.

América del Sur

La presente Ley declara de interés nacional y de necesidad pública la reversión de predios rústicos al dominio del Estado, adjudicados a título oneroso, con fines agrarios, ocupados por asentamientos humanos que no hubiesen cumplido con las condiciones para las que fueron transferidos, previa resolución de los respectivos contratos o actos jurídicos, siempre que se encuentren ocupados con anterioridad al 31 de diciembre de 2004 y con fines exclusivos de vivienda por asentamientos humanos, previamente declarados como tales por los gobiernos locales correspondientes, ubicados dentro o fuera d

Use and Development of Government and Other Land - Chapter 68 of 21 GCA “Real Property”.


This Chapter regulates the use of Government land and defines uses for specific purposes and for specified parts of Guam. The Director with the approval of the Governor is authorized to grant permits for the use of any suitable government real property, not otherwise occupied or in use, and for any lawful purposes. Articles 2 to 5 provide for use of specific lands and the sale of such land to qualified purchasers. Article concerns a comprehensive development Master plan to be adopted for specified areas.

Subdivision Law - Chapter 62 of 21 GCA “Real Property”.


The purpose of this Chapter and of any Rules, Regulations, specifications and standards adopted, pursuant thereto, is to control and regulate the development and/or subdivision of any land for any purpose whatsoever. Control and regulation is necessary to provide for the orderly growth and harmonious development of the territory and to achieve various purposes including: to secure adequate provisions for water supply, drainage, sanitary sewerage and other health requirements and to permit the conveyance of land by accurate legal description.

Regional Law No. 30-OZ “On service land allotment”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law regulates the issues of allotment of public land to some categories of workers (transport, forestry, hunting institutions, and protected areas) that due to their service must constantly live outside urban areas for the period of duration of their employment by organization on condition of land tenancy free of charge for a limited period of time. Allotted land area shall not exceed maximum allowable limit established for allotment of land plots for subsidiary smallholding.