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Ordinance on agricultural lease.

Europa occidental

The present Ordinance regulates the implementation of the Federal Agricultural Lease Act of 4 October 1985. Article 2 names the Agricultural Centre of Ebenrain as competent authority in all related matters; article 3 deals with authorities entitled to file an appeal and the relevant proceedings; article 4 concerns legal protection; and article 7 fixes the entry into force.

Implements: Loi fédérale sur le bail à ferme agricole. (2014-01-01)

Ordinance on alpine farms (Alpine Management Ordinance).

Europa occidental

The purpose of the present Ordinance is to regulate the cultivation and management of alpine regions and the related existing rights of lease and preemption thereof. The kind and extension of the cultivation and management shall be carried out according to ecological principles. In such a way a sustainable development of agricultural land shall be guaranteed and a wide plant variety shall be promoted. Typical endemic plant societies shall be conserved.

Decree No. 74 of 25 April 1991 on rules for the application of the Ownership and Use of Farm Land Act.

Europa oriental

The Resolution consists of 66 articles and is divided into 5 Chapters: General stipulations (1); Citizens' land (2); Land belonging to the State, the Municipalities, the Cooperatives and Other juridical persons (3); Distribution of property of farming cooperatives and other organizations established on that basis (4); landownership Authorities (5); Financing (6).

Implements: Ownership and use of farmland Act. (1999-07-30)

Regulation to Provide for the Procedure of Allocation and Administration of Land (L.N. No. 31/1997).

África oriental

The Regulation is made under the Land Proclamation No. 58/1994. It sets out the procedure for the allocation and administration of land and applies to all types of urban and rural land. Land shall be allocated for tiesa, agricultural usufruct or leasehold, on the basis of a master plan. To ensure these rights, right holders shall be given an allocation certificate or lease agreement. To prevent allocation of land to holders with the sole aim of holding land idle, the size of land to be allocated shall be proportionate to the planned aim (art. 3(4)).

Decree No. 54 of 1997 of the Ministry of Agriculture on the determination of agricultural land value for mortgage purposes.

Europa oriental

Article 3 and the annexes to this Decree define credit guaratee value and provide detailed rules for determining the commercial value of agricultural land as guarantee for land-based credit. Mortgage credit institutes shall have an internal regulation governing the determination of credit guarantee values for land.

Décret nº 2-94-590 pris pour l'application de la loi nº 34-94 relative à la limitation du morcellement des propriétés agricoles situées à l'intérieur des périmètres d'irrigation et des périmètres de mise en valeur en bour.

África septentrional

Ce décret prévoit que la superficie minimum d'exploitation, prévue à l'article 2 de la loi nº 34-94 soit fixée par arrêté du Ministre de l'agriculture et de la mise en valeur agricole. Le même ministre est compétent à accorder l'autorisation prévue à l'article 34, alinéa 2 et à saisir le tribunal compétent en vue de la nomination d'un administrateur pour la gestion d'un immeuble en indivision.

Décret nº 94-265 portant création d'un périmètre public irrigué à Sidi-Shill - Sidi Ali J'Bini.

África septentrional

Ce décret porte création d'un périmètre public irrigué à Sidi-Shill - Sidi Ali J'Bini. Il fixe à 60 ha la limite de la superficie totale des parcelles appartenant à un même propriétaire. La contribution aux investissememnts publics effectués dans ce périmètre est fixée à 600 dinars par hectare irrigable. Le périmètre est classé dans les zones d'interdictions prévues par l'article 4 de la loi nº 83-87 relative à la protection des terres agricoles.

Resolución Nº 960/98 - Principios básicos para las fincas estatales.


La presente Resolución dispone que las entidades estatales del Ministerio de la Agricultura que cuenten en la actualidad con fincas estatales, deberán adecuarlas a los Principios básicos que la mencionada Resolución establece, disponiendo que la responsabilidad en cuanto a la creación, funcionamiento y desarrollo de la finca estatal como forma organizativa de producción agropecuaria corresponde a los directores de empresas.

Protection Measure of Xiamen City of PRC on Agricultural Environment.

Asia oriental

With a view to protect and improve the agricultural environment in Xiamen, to prevent pollution and protect ecosystem, the Measure is hereby formulated. The agricultural environment is defined as including land, water for agricultural purposes, air and other factors which have an impact on the survival and development of agricultural resources.

Implements: Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China. (1989-12-26)
Implements: Agriculture Law of the People's Republic of China (1993-07-02)

Regulation No. 34 of the Ministry of Finance regarding the modalities of calculation and payment of land tax.

Asia central

The plots of public land can be: 1) sold or transferred free of charge into private ownership; 2) transferred on condition of permanent of temporary land tenure; 3) transferred on other conditions regulated by legislative acts or international agreements. Ownership of land is represented by private property of citizens and non-governmental legal persons. The owner has the right of possession, tenancy and disposal of land pertaining to his ownership. The Regulation consists of 14 Sections and contains 8 Annexes. Section 1 lays down the general provisions.

Ministerial Decree No. 611 regarding the validation of the Regulation on the modalities of concession of land share in the process of privatisation of the state agricultural enterprises.

Asia central

The Government decrees to validate the Regulation and the form of the land share certificate. The General Meetings of the collective farmers are recommended to be guided by this Regulation in the process of reformation of their collective farms. In the process of privatisation of the state agricultural enterprises, their workers are authorized to sell or transfer property shares and to let other members of the work collective have the proper land share on bilateral contractual basis for the use of these shares in agricultural production.