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Decreto Nº 2.665 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, en lo relacionado con la extinción del derecho de dominio privado sobre inmuebles rurales.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 160 de 1994 en lo relacionado con la extinción del derecho de dominio privado sobre inmuebles rurales.

Décret n° 2011-3336 du 27 octobre 2011, fixant la composition et les modalités du fonctionnement du comité national et des comités régionaux consultatifs chargés de la régularisation de la situation des exploitants d'une manière légale d'immeubles doma...

África septentrional

Le présent décret fixe la composition et les modalités du fonctionnement du comité national et des comités régionaux consultatifs chargés de la régularisation de la situation des exploitants d'une manière légale d'immeubles domaniaux agricoles.Le comité national consultatif est chargé de réviser la liste des concernés par la régularisation de la situation des exploitants d'immeubles domaniaux agricoles par voie d'aliénation par entente directe.

Loi concernant l’aménagement général du territoire.

Europa occidental

La susdite loi porte la réglementation relative à l’aménagement général du territoire. Ce dernier doit contribuer notamment à la réalisation des objectifs suivants: l’amélioration des conditions de vie de la population et l’assainissement de l’environnement, l’amélioration de l’habitat et le développement harmonieux des structures urbaines et rurales, la valorisation optimale des ressources économiques, la protection de la nature et la sauvegarde des ressources naturelles, la conservation et le développement du patrimoine culturel national.

Ministerial Decree No. 19 validating the Regulation on transfer of plots of land from one category to another.

Asia central

This Ministerial Decree determines the modalities of transfer of plots of land from one category to another, including conversion of land. Land plots shall be classified into the following categories: (a) agricultural land; (b) urban land; (c) industrial land; (d) protected areas; (e) forest land; (f) water fund land; and (g) reserve land. Each plot of land shall pertain to one of the aforesaid categories.

National Gender Policy 2014.

National Policies
África oriental

This National Gender Policy 2014 rests on the principle that women and men are equal in all respects. All forms of discrimination based on sex and gender should be eliminated. The reasons for revising the National Gender Policy of 2000 are the need to address persistence and emerging gender related issues such as the impact among women of climate change (Chap 4).

Regional Law No. 1929-ZRK “On price of some plots of land located in urban areas and destined for agricultural production”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law establishes that price of a plot of land located in urban areas and destined for agricultural production already allotted to peasant farm on condition of permanent (open-ended) possession or as lifelong hereditary possession in case of purchase thereof by the aforesaid categories of tenants shall be 15 percent of estimated cadastre value at the date of submittal of application.

Regional Law No. 23-Z “On regulation of land relations”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law delimits plenary powers of the Regional Assembly, Regional Government and regional executive bodies in the sphere of land tenure and land management. It envisages the issues of land governance and, in particular, the modalities of lease of land in accordance with contracts, terms and conditions of allotment of agricultural land to citizens. It also establishes minimum and maximum land areas conceded in ownership to citizens for horticulture, gardening and suburban housing construction, and also concession of public and municipal land to citizens for stockbreeding.

Regulation on the cadastral classification and land reclamation.

Bosnia y Herzegovina
Europa meridional

This Regulation prescribes the manner and procedure for the mandatory cadastral land classification and land reclamation on the territory of the Republic of Srpska, autonomous district of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Concrete land cadastral classification and land reclamation rules and requirements are also governed by the necessary cadastral culture and cadastral class evaluation of a specific land parcel (fertile land, agricultural land and other).

Physical Planning Act, 2004 (No. 15 of 2004).

Islas Vírgenes

This Act provides rules for the development of the physical environment and land-use planning in general and provides for control on such development. It establishes the Planning Authority and an Appeals Tribunal and provides for the appointment by the Governor of a Chief Planner. The Authority shall submit to the Minister a National Physical Development Plan.

Ley Nº 100 - Instituye el Plan Extraordinario de Regularización del Dominio de Tierras Fiscales en la Provincia de Misiones.

América del Sur

Mediante esta Ley se establece el Plan Extraordinario de Regularización del Dominio de Tierras Fiscales en la Provincia de Misiones y se definen las condiciones que deben cumplir las personas físicas y jurídicas para acceder a estos beneficios. Si se trata de predios rurales, las personas físicas comprendidas en el marco del presente régimen pueden acceder a la propiedad de hasta cincuenta hectáreas.

Decree No. 187 of the Ministry of Public Health validating Hygienic requirements “Maximum allowable limits of concentration of slip forms of zink, chrome and cadmium in soil.”

Europa oriental

This Decree establishes maximum allowable limits of concentration of slip forms of zink, chrome and cadmium in soil of different categories: (a) soil intended for construction; (b) soil intended for agricultural construction; (c) soil intended for industrial sites; (d) soil intended for communication and transport; (e) recreational land and landscape areas; and (f) agricultural land. Annex 1 contains the list of chemicals and authorized concentration limits’ indices.