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Case study on Land Degradation of Dry Zone of Myanmar

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2003

According to the current land utilization, about 11 million hectares or 16% of the total land area is under cultivation. Since a total of about 18 million hectares is estimated as suitable for agricultural purposes, some 7 million hectares of new land can be brought under crop cultivation and livestock farming. In bringing new land under agricultural use, it is important that the use of scientific techniques of land evaluation and land use planning be made mandatory to ensure the suitability and optimum use of land.

Regional Law No.61-RZ “On particulars of regulation of land relations”.

Diciembre, 2003

This Regional Law sets forth the following priorities of land policy: (a) state regulation with a view of conservation of particularly valuable land categories, agricultural land and protected areas; (b) exercise of rights of residents in the sphere of land relations; (c) conservation of agricultural land; (d) ecofriendly methods of land tenure; and (d) conservation of traditional Cossack land tenure.

Regional Law No. 71 “On the particulars of turnover of agricultural land”.

Noviembre, 2003

This Regional Law establishes the particulars of turnover of agricultural land, including privatization of agricultural land pertaining to public and municipal property. It determines that minimum land area of consolidated agricultural land plot shall be two hectares, while minimum land area of consolidated agricultural land plot in case of irrigation by stationary sprinklers or drained land shall be no less than 50 hectares and in case of irrigation by mobile sprinklers shall be no less than 10 hectares.

Land Law (No. 04/NA).

Octubre, 2003

This Law makes provision for the management and use of various types of land, including forestry and agricultural land.Land of Lao PDR shall be under the ownership of the national community and all organizations and individuals shall have the obligation to protect land to ensure that there is no soil erosion, land subsidence and soil degradation.The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry shall be in charge of managing agricultural land, forest land, submerged land, river banks, islands and recovered land.The Law, among other things, further provides for the following: land registration for th

Arrêté N° 55 du11 juillet2003 portant sur la modification de l’arrêté n° 45 du 20 juillet 2001 réorganisant la Commission Foncière Rurale.

Julio, 2003
Côte d'Ivoire

Le présent arrêté réorganise la Commission Foncière Rurale (CFR), créée par le Ministère de l’Agriculture et des Ressources Animales le 03 novembre 1999 puis réorganisée par l’arrêté n° 45 du 20 juillet 2001.La CFR est un organe intersectoriel de suivi de la situation foncière rurale et de réflexion sur les conditions de l’op¬timisation de la gestion foncière rurale considérée comme un élément de déve¬loppement rural et d’amélioration des conditions de vie des producteurs du secteur agricole, ayant pour tâches de suivre la mise en œuvre de la loi n° 98-750 du 23 décembre 1998 relative au Do

Law No. 742-IV “On smallholding”.

Mayo, 2003

This Law defines the legal, organizational, economic and social principles of conducting smallholding activity. Smallholding (individual peasant farm) shall be a business activity that is carried out without the creation of a legal entity by an individual or by family members or relatives that live together in order to meet their personal needs through the production, processing and consumption of agricultural products, vending of its surpluses and the provision of services using the property of a private peasant farm, also in the field of rural green tourism.

The Impact of the confiscation of Land, Labor, Capital Assets and forced relocation in Burma by the military regime

Policy Papers & Briefs
Abril, 2003

1. Introduction 1;
2. Historical Context and Current Implications of the State Taking Control
of People, Land and Livelihood 2;
2.1. Under the Democratically Elected Government 2;
2.1.1. The Land Nationalization Act 1953 2;
2.1.2. The Agricultural Lands Act 1953 2;
3. Under the Revolutionary Council (1962-1974) 2;
3.1. The Tenancy Act 1963 3;
3.2. The Protection of the Right of Cultivation Act, 1963 3;
4. The State Gains Further Control over the Livelihoods of Households 3;

General Regulations made in terms of the Communal Land Reform Act.

Febrero, 2003

These Regulations, made in terms of section 45 of the Communal Land Reform Act, provide with respect to a wide variety of matters concerning communal land and communal land rights. Part I deals with (application for) customary land rights. It specifies the maximum size of land that may be held under customary land right and specifies particulars pertaining to allocation of customary land right.

Política de Equidad de Género en el Sector de la Gestión Ambiental y su Plan de Acción 2003-2008.

National Policies
Diciembre, 2002

El presente documento establece la Política de Equidad de Género en el Sector de la Gestión Ambiental y su Plan de Acción, que tienen alcance nacional y se refieren al período 2003-2008. La política tiene por objetivo principal propiciar dentro del Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN) la equidad de género en todas las políticas, programas, proyectos y planes de acción que se emitan. Entre los objetivos específicos, cabe destacar el de impulsar una eficaz política ambiental que propicie y fomente oportunidades, con base en los derechos humanos.

Groenblauwe dooradering van het landelijk gebied; een overzicht van waarden, functies, functiecombinaties, opties tot vermarkting, subsidies, regelingen ruimtelijke ordening en meer

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2002

Deze studie komt voort uit het project Kwaliteitsimpuls landelijk gebied, dat tot doel had de kwaliteit en identiteit van het landelijk gebied te versterken door de aanleg, het herstel en het beheer van 40 000 ha aan landschapselementen. Deze landschapselementen kunnen functies vervullen op het gebied van natuur, landschap, landbouw, recreatie en toerisme, waterhuishouding, en wonen en werken. Het rapport geeft een overzicht van voorwaarden voor en voorbeelden van kansrijke situaties voor functiecombinaties.