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Official Letter No.2-12/1749 of 1994 of the Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey concerning clarifications as regards technical requirements for the plan of a plot of land.

Europa oriental

The Committee, in connection with the issues arising in the process of the application of the Technical requirements for the plan of a plot of land validated by the Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey (ROSKOMZEM) 11 June 1993, clarifies that Technical requirements must be applied exclusively to sale and purchase by the citizens of the Russian nationals of the plots of land or their parts destined for personal subsidiary small-holding, gardening and individual housing.

Arrêté Ministériel N°001/14 du 14-04-2014 portant modalités du sous-bail emphytéotique des terres destinées a l’exploitation agricole, élevage et forestière.

África oriental

Le présent arrêté détermine les modalités du sous-bail emphytéotique des terres destinées à l’exploitation agricole, à l’élevage et à l’exploitation forestière.Ces modalités du sous-bail emphytéotique concernent notamment le contrat du sous-bail emphytéotique; l’ enregistrement du sous-bail emphytéotique; la durée du bail les terres; la rectification de la superficie du terrain donné en sous-bail emphytéotique; l’interdiction de sous-louer; le droit d’hypothéquer les travaux réalisés sur le terrain; les litiges créés par des tiers; la vente des terres sous-louées; les modalités d’indemnisat

Arrêté des ministres de l'agriculture et de l'équipement et de l'habitat du 31 octobre 1995, fixant les superficies minimales des exploitations agricoles et celles maximales des constructions pouvant y être édifiées.

África septentrional

Cet arrêté fixe les conditions requises pour pouvoir édifier un bâtiment dans les exploitations agricoles, à savoir: le permis de bâtir, la superficie de l'exploitation qui ne doit pas être inférieure à 1 hectare, la superficie couverte réservée aux bâtiments d'habitations qui ne peut pas dépasser 1500 mètres carrés auxquels peuvent s'ajouter 50 mètres carrés par ouvrier permanent ou coopérateur. Toute autre construction ou ouvrage non destiné à l'habitat, est soumise à l'autorisation préalable du Ministre de l'agriculture.

Additional explanations and instructions on the implementation of decree on Taxation of Land.

Asia sudoriental

For the purpose of implementing the land tax system set out by Decree No. 50/PM of 1993, additional explanations are given with respect to: (a) the new system of tax collection; and (b) the calculation of land taxes on the basis of the location and of the use of the land. Part III sets out the types of land which may benefit from tax exemption and the procedure to be followed by the applicant. Final provisions establish tasks to be undertaken by the provincial finance departments in order to favour the uniform implementation of the new land tax system.

Guides on the implementation of the decree of the Prime Minister No. 50/PM dated 13 March 1993 on Land Tax.

Asia sudoriental

The present guides have been given for the purpose of implementing the new land tax system set out by Decree No. 50/PM of 1993. The calculation of the tax is based on the classification of the different uses of land: (a) land for construction; (b) agricultural land; (c) farmland; (d) land for "rai". The guides specify also on the types of land for construction and agricultural land which may benefit from tax exemption. Further provisions regulate the collection of data, the calculation of the amount to be paid and the modalities of payment.

Ordonnance nº 86-057 portant institution et organisation des zones d'action agro-pastorale, en abrégé "ZAGROP", en République centrafricaine.

República Centroafricana
África Central

Cette ordonnance porte institution et organisation des zones d'action agro-pastorale ("ZAGROP") qui sont des espaces fonciers, géographiquement bien délimités, dans lesquels résident des éleveurs constitués en groupements d'intérêts pastoraux (GIP). Ces éléveurs mettent en commun des ressources pour effectuer des investissements et pour assurer leur fonctionnement. Ces zones ont été instituées afin de combattre la dégradation des pâturages par l'application de techniques de gestion de l'espace et afin de faciliter la sédentarisation des éleveurs.

Model Lease Contract for the plots of land of common property.

Europa oriental

Model Lease Contract, validated by the State Committee of Land Resources, regards lease of the parcels of land pertaining to common property that are conceded in lease. The contract is applicable to agricultural land. Land tax and levy can be reckoned in rent by separate agreement between the Parties in case of the payment thereof by leaseholder. The amount of rent can be revised by agreement between the Parties. Land disputes shall be settled in conformity with the legislation currently in force or by arbitration tribunal.

Federal Law No. 10-FZ introducing amendments to the Federal Law No. 101-FZ on turnover of agricultural land.

Europa oriental

The wording “two” in the items 1 and 2 of the Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 101-FZ on turnover of agricultural land must be substituted with the wording “four”.

Amends: Federal Law No. 101-FZ on turnover of agricultural land. (2003-07-07)

Federal Law No. 123-FZ introducing amendments to Land Code and to the Federal Law No. 101-FZ on turnover of agricultural land.

Europa oriental

Article 36 of Land Code acquires a new wording: “Natural and legal persons that own, use free of charge, carry out economic management or operate edifices, constructions and works situated on the plots of land pertaining to public or municipal property shall acquire the rights to the aforesaid plots of land in conformity with the present Land Code.” Article 10 of the Federal Law No.

Special Agricultural Investment Agreement between Syria and Sudan.

International Conventions or Treaties
Asia occidental
África septentrional

This Agreement consists of 14 articles and it shall be subject to the provisions of Reciprocal Encouragement and Protection of Investment between the two Parts (art. 1). The Government of Sudan shall grant to the Government of Syria a land for exploitation located in Abu Quta-Province Alhsahisa situated in the State of Aljazeera with an area of 30,000 Faddan without any restriction rights (art. 2). The exploitation of the aforementioned land shall be valid for 50 years (art. 3).