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Myanmar: Displacement in Rakhine State. Situation Report No. 3 (28 June 2012)

Reports & Research
Junio, 2012

"• The overall security situation is reported to be stable. Emergency rule and curfew remain in
place in six Townships across Rakhine State.
• According to official figures, 78 people are dead, 87 injured and 3,000 residential buildings are
damaged as of 24 June. Over 52,200 people remained newly displaced across Rakhine State.
Humanitarian partners estimate that around 90,000 people are affected, including the newly
displaced people.

Myanmar: Displacement in Rakhine State. Situation Report No. 2 (20 June 2012)

Reports & Research
Junio, 2012

"• According to official Government statistics dated 18 June, over 52,200 people have been
displaced and are accommodated in 66 camps/villages. Unofficial estimates indicated that
80,000 to 90,000 people have been affected.
• The Government has requested the RC/HC and humanitarian partners to support its response
efforts. Humanitarian assistance delivery is ongoing. It includes food, medical, water and
sanitation interventions. Food distribution that reached some 82,000 people as of 19 June.

Myanmar: Displacement in Rakhine State. Situation Report No. 1 (15 June 2012)

Reports & Research
Junio, 2012

"• Instability in Rakhine State that started since 28 May has resulted in displacement of over
36,000 people who are now located in 43 camps/locations, loss of lives and damages to houses
and communal buildings. This is an initial estimate which will need to be revised as more
information becomes available and assessment are carried out.
• The violence prompted the Government to impose curfew in six locations and declare the state
of emergency on 10 June across the State.

Pa'an Interview: Saw Bw---, September 2011

Reports & Research
Junio, 2012

This report contains the full transcript of an interview conducted during September 2011 in Lu Pleh Township, Pa'an District by a community member trained by KHRG to monitor human rights conditions. The community member interviewed Saw Bw---, a 25-year-old logger from Eg--- village, who described events that occurred while he was carrying out logging work between the villages of A--- and S---.

Vanishing Rangelands

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2012

The primary aim of this study is to investigate the size of the range lost to other forms of land uses. This will support the argument that it is time to reconsider the pastoralists sector as a legitimate mode of production in the country which, like other sectors, deserve due priority.

Fighting and Ongoing Displacement in Kachin State, Burma: Update

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2012


"While ceasefire negotiations are taking place in some ethnic areas, attacks continue in Kachin State, Northern Burma. The Burma Army is pressing its attacks in Kachin State with over 100 battalions deployed. There are over 50,000 Kachin people displaced, over 60 Kachin civilians killed and 100 Kachin soldiers killed. Burma Army casualties are unknown, but estimated at 1,000 wounded and killed. Along with the KIO, WPN, Partners and other organizations, the Kachin FBR teams are helping those in need

Climate Change, REDD+ and Our Role

Institutional & promotional materials
Mayo, 2012

Since few years the climate temperature is constantly ​rising up due to high emission of Green House Gases (GHG's) which is one of the main reason for climate change. Nepal is a small country which has little or no influence in causing climate change, however because of its weak economy, complex landscape, sensitive biodiversity, uneducated and vulnerable people in Nepal makes it less equipped to fight the consequences of climate change thus make them highly vulnerable.

Kachin Response Plan March 2012-February 2013 (June 2012 revision)

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2012

Executive Summary: "Instability that started in June 2011 across Kachin
and northern Shan states has resulted in displace‐
ment, damage of infrastructure and loss of lives and
livelihoods. Despite ongoing peace negotiations be‐
tween parties to the conflict, incidents continue to
be reported.   
The number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
has been steadily increasing since the beginning of
the conflict to an estimated 65,000 IDPs in July
2012. These people sought refuge in camps, in pub‐

What Rights? A Comparative Analysis of Developing Countries’ National Legislation on Community and Indigenous Peoples’ Forest Tenure Rights

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2012

Presents a legal analysis of the national legislation that relates to Indigenous Peoples’ and communities’ forest tenure rights at a global scale by assessing whether the legal systems of 27 of the most forested developing countries of the world recognize the rights of Indigenous Peoples and communities to access, withdraw, manage, exclude and alienate to forest resources and land. The countries included in this study are home to 2.2 billion rural people and include approximately 75% of the forests in the developing world.

Papun Situation Update: Dweh Loh Township, January to March 2012

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2012

This report includes a situation update submitted to KHRG in April 2012 by a community member describing events occurring in Papun District, in the period between January and March 2012. It provides information on land confiscation by Border Guard Battalion #1013, which has appropriated villagers’ communal grazing land between D--- and M--- villages for the construction of barracks for housing soldiers' families.