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Displaying 1885 - 1896 of 2317

Lands Referee (Amendment) Act (No. 16 of 1989).


The principal Act is further amended by deleting section 4 and substituting the following new-section therefor: A decision of the Referee shall be final: provided that any person aggrieved by the decision as being erroneous in point of law may appeal to the Supreme Court within 30 days of the notification by the Referee of his decision to him.

Amends: Lands Referee Act (Cap. 148). (1984)

Lands Referee Act (Cap. 148).


A Land Referee shall be appointed by the President on the advice of the Judicial Service Commission. The Referee shall have jurisdiction to determine the following matters: (a) the amount of rent payable for a lease of land whether originally or on periodic reassessment; (b) the value of improvements on or to land; (c) any matter referred to him by any party to a lease of land relating to the interpretation of a provision in a lease; (d) any matter which is by any Act or Order directed to be determined by him. A decision of the Referee shall be final.

Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 (1986 Cap 5).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

This Act provides rules relative to tenancy agreements concerning agricultural holdings, i.e. the aggregate of the land comprised in a contract for an agricultural tenancy. The Act among other things: places a restriction on letting agricultural land for less than from year to year, defines various other terms of contract, also in relation to cultivation of land and disposal of produce, and provides with respect to arbitration in relation with tenancy agreements.

Agricultural Settlement (Restriction on Use of Agricultural Land and of Water) Law, 1967.

Asia occidental

Under this law a person occupying or entitled to occupy agricultural land , under a lease agreement or by authority shall not make non-conforming use of that land save under a written permit from the Minister of Agriculture (sect. 2). Under section 3, an occupier may not transfer his personal quota of water to another person or use it or permit another person to use it for the purposes of land of which non-conforming use is made, save under a special permit. Section 4 and 5 establish a Determining Committee for the purpose of this law.

Ley Nº 6.313 - Ley de Adquisiciones, Expropiaciones y Constitución de Servidumbres del Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad.

Costa Rica
América central

La presente Ley de Adquisiciones, Expropiaciones y Constitución de Servidumbres del Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad, declara de utilidad pública los bienes inmuebles, sean fincas completas, porciones, derechos o intereses patrimoniales legítimos, que por su ubicación sean necesarios, a juicio del Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), para el cumplimiento de sus fines, que podrán ser expropiados quienquiera que sea su dueño.

Land Surveyors Act (Cap. 251).


This Act makes provision for the registration and the licensing of land surveyors and the control of their practice and establishes for these purposes the Land Surveyor’s Board and the Bahamas Association of Land Surveyors and creates the office of the Surveyor-General.The Surveyor-General shall direct and control all surveys carried out for public purposes and carry out control on all other land surveys. The Board shall advise the Minister on matters regarding land surveys, maintain the Register of Land Surveyors and license land surveyors.

Land Delimitation and Registration Law issued by Resolution No. 186 of 15 March 1926.

Asia occidental

This Law consists of 7 Chapters divided into 56 articles providing for land registration and survey. Chapter I deals with the judge and assistants entrusted to write, record and delimit lands. Chapter II provides for recording operations and temporary definition of lands. Chapter III concerns with authorizations and objections. Chapter IV relates to the confirmation of temporary delimitations abd objection liquidations. Chapters V and VI contain general and temporary provisions. Chapter VII deals with offences and penalties.

Ley de tierras baldías y ejidos.

América del Sur

La presente Ley de tierras baldías y ejidos establece que son baldíos todos los terrenos que no sean ejidos ni propiedad particular ni pertenezcan legítimamente a corporaciones o personas jurídicas, considerando también como baldíos, y la Nación entra desde luego a poseerlos, los terrenos ejidos que han quedado abandonados por la extinción, comprobada oficialmente, del dominio que en ellos ejercía el Municipio.

Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845.

Europa septentrional

This Act makes provision for compulsory purchase of private land by " promoters of the undertaking”, which shall mean the parties, whether company, undertakers, commissioners, trustees, corporations, or private persons, by a special Act empowered to execute an undertaking prescribed by such Act. It concerns, among other things: power to purchase lands by agreement, procedures for purchase, authority to sell and repurchase such lands, arbitration, etc.

Implemented by: Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006 (section 28(4)) Regulations 2013 (S.I. No. 155 of 2013). (2013-05-09)

Land Act 1948 (No. 64 of 1948).

Nueva Zelandia

This Act governs the alienation, development, classification and leasing of Crown lands and is divided into 13 Parts and 2 Schedules as follows: General administration (I); Surveys (II); Purchase and development of land (III); Classification and alienation of Crown land (IV); Leases and licences (V); Advances to Crown tenants (VI); Acquisition of fee simple and modification of existing leases and licences (VII); Renewals of renewable leases (VIII); Remissions, revaluations, forfeitures (IX); Servicemen and discharged servicemen (X); Licences for timber, flax, minerals and other purposes (XI

State Land (Claims) Ordinance 1931 (No. 21 of 1931).

Sri Lanka
Asia meridional

The Ordinance establishes the powers of the board (established according to the provisions of section 11 of the Land Settlement Ordinance) and the procedure to be followed in respect of applications.As far as the decisions of the board are concerned, article 6 establishes that the chairman of the board shall inform the Settlement Officer of the decision taken in respect of every application. Said decision shall be communicated to the claimant and thereafter the necessary steps shall be taken by the Settlement Officer in order to give effect to the decision.