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As Reservas Extrativistas da Terra do Meio

Journal Articles & Books
Octubre, 2018
América del Sur

As reservas extrativistas, um dos legados do movimento organizado dos seringueiros do qual Chico Mendes foi um dos grandes protagonistas, foram idealizadas como proposta de desenvolvimento para Amazônia e para os povos da floresta, alternativa ao modelo estatal hegemônico, de características ambientalmente predatórias e socialmente excludentes. Desde o assassinato de Chico Mendes em 1988 foram criadas 88 reservas extrativistas (sendo 62 federais e 26 estaduais).

Dez anos de r-existência da Reserva Extrativista de Canavieiras (BA):

Journal Articles & Books
Octubre, 2018
América del Sur
Desde o final dos anos 1960, a questão ambiental começa a ganhar nova qualidade com a emergência dos movimentos populares, evidenciando que a crise ambiental é uma faceta da crise epistêmica e política, marcada pela colonialidade do saber e do poder. Neste artigo será destacado o movimento das comunidades tradicionais do estado do Acre, sob a liderança de Chico Mendes, que deixaram registrados embates emblemáticos ao lutar pela criação das reservas extrativistas, que seria a reforma agrária dos seringueiros.

A local to global perspective on resource governance and conflict

Journal Articles & Books
Octubre, 2018

This article serves as an introduction to the special issue ‘A Local to Global Perspective on Resource Governance and Conflict’. It advances the debate on natural resource governance and conflict by bringing together three different strands of literature with the aim of developing a local to global research perspective and framework for analysis. First, this article reviews and identifies research gaps in the literatures on (1) the resource curse, (2) environmental security and (3) the large-scale acquisition of land and natural resources.


Journal Articles & Books
Octubre, 2018

About 3.5 billion people live in countries rich in oil, gas or minerals. With good governance and transparent management, the revenues from extractive sector can have positive impacts leading to poverty reduction hence boosting shared prosperity , while respecting both the needs of the community and the environment. The extractive sector in Kenya contributes about one (1) per cent to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and three (3) per cent of the total export earnings.


Reports & Research
Octubre, 2018

Defenders of Indigenous land in Malaysia are targeted, singled out and face opposition from state authorities and private individuals when they speak up. These abuses have further disenfranchised Indigenous communities in Malaysia, marginalising them socially and harming them economically. The report examines the struggles human rights defenders of Indigenous peoples have endured as they have sought to claim their right to Indigenous lands, and the steps that should be taken by the government to ensure that they are given the protection they deserve.

Climate Change Adaptation and Conflict Prevention: Innovation and Sustainable Livestock Production in Nigeria and South Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Octubre, 2018
South Africa

The interface between environment and conflict has gained traction in policy and security circles in recent times. Growing scholarly interest on the linkage stems from increasing awareness on the role climate change plays in precipitating resource contestations and conflict over depleting natural resources, particularly in poor regions. Such impacts sometimes result from secondary consequences of environmental decline and resources scarcity which give rise to stiff competitions over access to available resources.

Property-level direct and indirect deforestation for soybean production in the Amazon region of Mato Grosso, Brazil

Peer-reviewed publication
Octubre, 2018
Estados Unidos de América

Brazil’s Soy Moratorium solidified the world’s largest traders’ commitment to stop soybean purchases from production areas deforested after July 2006. The aim was to remove deforestation from the soybean supply-chain and halt one of the main drivers of forest loss in the Amazon biome. In this study, we investigated changes in deforestation at the property-level for the period 2004 to 2014.

Conflits fonciers et problématique de développement rural dans la sous-préfecture de Mongo, région du Guéra (Tchad

Journal Articles & Books
Octubre, 2018

Located in the Guéra region in central Chad, the Mongo Sub-Prefecture is the scene of recurring conflicts related to the occupation and exploitation of the land. While the phenomenon is neither new nor specific to this part of the country, the scale it has taken in recent years makes it a worrying subject. This land conflicts are driven by a multitude of actors with traditional authorities, agricultural producers and the urban elite at the center.

Strengthening the State: Logging and neoliberal politics in East New Britain, Papua New Guinea

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2018
Papua New Guinea

In this paper I will examine how logging in Papua New Guinea affects the relationship between the state and the local communities on whose lands logging operations take place. The point of departure of my argument is the Ili- Wawas Integrated Project, a combined logging and agricultural project which seeks to bring economic development to the remote Pomio district of East New Britain Province by connecting existing logging roads to the limited national road network around the provincial capital.

Applying a Rights-Based Approach (RBA) in Forest Governance

Training Resources & Tools
Septiembre, 2018
South-Eastern Asia

The Rights-based Approach (RBA) allows local communities, or others who are marginalized, excluded or discriminated (the rights holders), to exercise their rights; and for institutions, organizations or other agencies (the duty bearers) to provide support towards equitable and inclusive development programmes that benefit them. RBA interventions can address inequities and disparities evident in these communities. In the context of the management of forested landscapes, RBA emphasizes the rights of local communities for fair benefits, access to resources, secure tenure and gender equity.

Harvard's billion-dollar farmland fiasco

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2018

One of the world's major buyers of farmland is under fire for their involvement in land conflicts, environmental destruction and risky investments. A new report by GRAIN and Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humano presents, for the first time, a comprehensive analysis of Harvard University's controversial investments in global farmland.

The report finds that: