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Inclusive Land Registration and the Critical Role of Social Development Officers

Manuals & Guidelines
Abril, 2020

This guide identifies lessons learned and outlines critical steps that countries can apply to their own rural land administration programs as they strive to ensure these programs become more gender and socially inclusive. The document provides a valuable learning resource to help governments and communities implement inclusive land programs.

Land In India: Issues and Debates

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2020

This report titled Land in India: Issues and Debates is part of an initiative under the aegis of India Land & Development Conference (ILDC) which has a long-term objective of bringing out an annual Status of Land in India volume. This report is a modest beginning in that direction by drawing on the works of ILDC partners to present a quick over view of some of the key developments and debates in India’s land sector. The report brings together 11key issues which currently engage the minds of the policy makers and researchers in India.

Webinar Report: Building a Land Information Ecosystem in India

Reports & Research
Enero, 2020

An information ecosystem is an extremely vast and cluttered space. What data exist? What data is up to date? What data is reliable? Who owns the data? Can I use the data without inflicting harm? Who are the data subjects? Many people across numerous sectors struggle with such questions and more. The land governance sector in India is no different. But somehow, it seems the land data ecosystem in India is more complex and controversial.

Guía para mujeres rurales en el acceso a la justicia y a la tierra

Training Resources & Tools
Enero, 2020

La pertinencia de esta Guía procede de los diagnósticos previamente realizados. En ellos se identificó que las mujeres rurales experimentan distintos obstáculos para acceder a la justicia y a la tierra, como la discriminación estructural, el desconocimiento general acerca de sus derechos sobre la tierra y sobre temas relacionados con situaciones de violencia de género. También se identificó que las mujeres tienen necesidad de obtener información sobre cómo acceder a la justicia para poder hacer efectivos sus derechos.

Webinar Report: The Role of Land Certification in Securing Women's Land Rights on Collective Lands

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2019

Evidence shows that women can benefit from having individualised land rights formalized in their names. However, similar evidence is not available for formalization of land rights that are based on collective tenure. Studies have estimated that as much as 65 percent of the world’s land is held under customary, collective-tenure systems. Improving tenure security for land held collectively has been shown to improve resource management and to support self-determination of indigenous groups.

Landesa Annual Report 2019

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2019

Around the world, land is the foundation of rural life. Perhaps no other asset can equal the transformative power of land to create economic opportunity, boost productivity and food security, and fulfill the promise of fundamental human rights and a life of basic dignity and access to justice.

The Journey to a Better Tomorrow: Land, Climate Change and Gender Experience From the Field

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2019

Ardhi Yetu Programme (AYP Plus) is a national land rights advocacy programme that consolidates on-the-ground interventions, while integrating resilience and adaptation. AYP plus utilizes and builds upon the CSO capacity, national forums and joint advocacy platforms developed during the first phase of AYP, to support the overall objective that; active communities and civil society advocate for an inclusive and transparent land sector, strengthening the land tenure security and resilience of small-scale farming and pastoral communities particularly women.

Mitigating Environmental Sustainability Challenges and Enhancing Health in Urban Communities: The Multi-functionality of Green Infrastructure

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2019

Green Infrastructure GI facilities have the capacity to enhance health and mitigate Environmental Sustainability Challenges ESC However the extent of the mitigation and health benefits is unclear in developing countries This study examined the impact of GI on ESC and Perceived Health PH of urban residents in Lagos Metropolis Nigeria Multistage sampling technique was used to select 1858 residents of Lagos Metropolis who completed semistructured questionnaires Descriptive statistics and chisquare test were used to explore data distributions and assess the association of the availability of GI

New Times, New Opportunities: Grasping the future with the world's youngest population in the Sahel.

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2019
Burkina Faso
República Centroafricana
Sudán del Sur

The support plan for the Sahel is a regional approach to collectively address the root causes of disruptions such as poverty, migration and youth unemployment, climate change, insecurity, governance and institutional issues in the region. In this report an overview of the current situation for each of the priority areas of the UN Support Plan is presented to demonstrate that the full implementation of the plan could utilize an existing momentum of development not seen in decades in the Sahel.

Gender, Agriculture and Rural Development in Uzbekistan

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2019

Gender equality is a key to eliminating poverty and hunger, as it has been demonstrated by the FAO throughout its research worldwide. As part of the FAO efforts on generating evidence and knowledge, and in compliance with the FAO Policy on Gender Equality, the purpose of the Country Gender Assessment for Uzbekistan is to contribute to the production of knowledge for better informed, targeted and gender sensitive actions in agriculture and rural development.

Global Land Outlook: East Africa Thematic Report: Responsible Land Governance to Achieve Land Degradation Neutrality

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2019
África oriental

Land Degradation Neutrality is a new way of approaching land degradation that acknowledges that land and land-based ecosystems are affected by global environmental change as well as by local land use practices. Achieving the target of a land degradation neutral world encourages adaptive management during planning, implementation, and monitoring of LDN-related activities and follows the LDN response hierarchy of avoiding, reducing, and reversing land degradation.

Land Degradation Neutrality: Interventions to Foster Gender Equality

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2019

Women constitute the bulk of people who rely on land in many of the regions most affected by desertification, land degradation and drought. One in three people on earth depend directly on agriculture, while nearly 80% of employed women in least developed countries report agriculture as their primary livelihood. Food availability fluctuations also impact women’s role in food production and intra-family food distribution, with women often reducing their nutritional intake and that of their children, with dire health consequences.