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This Order amends no. 1 of Council Ministers Resolution No. 139/99, 4 November, subjecting to preventive measures the area to be included in the Ordainment Plan of the Castelo de Bode Dam. The objective is to create new settlements, construction or enlargement of pre-existing buildings or other…


This Order alters the finality of the disaffection of the 120ha area of the partial forest regime implemented by Decree No. 38/88, 15 October, situated in the municipality of Mira. Its finality is the construction of a turistic complex with golf course and support structures.


Décret de la Région Flandres portant organisation de l'aménagement du territoire. L'article 4 établit que l'aménagement du territoire est axé sur un développement durable de l'aménagement du territoire, gérant l'espace disponible au profit de la présente génération, sans…


Arrêté du Gouvernement flamand fixant les règles détaillées de l'organisation et du mode de fonctionnement de la Commission flamande de l'Aménagement du Territoire. Le texte est formé par 10 articles divisés en 4 chapitres: Règles détaillées de l'organisation de la Commission…


This Order regards Article 26 of the Law "On royalties for the use of land". The new wording of this Article reads as follows: "Managerial boards of the farming, gardening ,housing and breeding cooperative societies must submit calculations of the land taxes to the Treasury's…


This Act provides rules for the partial compensation for damages unlawfully caused in the ownership of private persons by laws listed in Annexes 1 and 2. This Act introduces compensation bonds for the amount of compensation. Compensation bonds shall be used through the privatisation process for…


Subject to the provisions of the principal Order, development permissions are granted for the classes of development described as permitted development in the Schedule to this Order (art. 3). This Order amends article 3 so as to provide for development in so-called protective buffer zones.…


Le présent arrêté prévoit l'adoption de la part de l'Assemblée Nationale du rapport de la commission temporaire du développement des régions de montagne à titre d'objectif général à réaliser dans le cadre de son mandat.
Met en oeuvre: Loi relative au développement des…


This Decree, proposed by the Minister of Agriculture, nature Conservation and Fisheries, indicates soil-type areas for purposes of the Fertilizing Substances Act. Land is classified as ‘filtration sensitive soil’.
Implements: Act containing rules relative to the trade in and the disposal…


The Act regulates the establishment and administration of mortgage societies. A mortgage society is a credit institution referred to in the Act on Credit Institutions (1607/1993). It may be established for public purposes. Its particular purpose shall be to use funds mostly acquired as long-term…


The State Treasury validates amendments and additions No. 4 to the Regulation of the State Treasury No. 29 of 1995 regarding the application of the Law "On royalties for the use of land" according to the Annex. This document has been previously approved by the Ministry of Finance and…


This Order regards the Law "On royalties for the use of land". Paragraph 1, point 1 acquires a new wording. It reads as follows: "owners of small private enterprises are exempted from payment of the land tax because of the substitution of the land tax, federal, regional and local…