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This Regional Law establishes the modalities of organization and performance of public control as a form of public participation. It shall not be applicable to elections and referendum. Regional executive bodies shall have the following plenary powers: (a) formation of advisory councils at the…


Ce règlement vise à réduire la pollution des eaux provoquéé ou induite par les nitrates à partir de fertilisants organiques et prévenir toute nouvelle pollution de ce type; réduire ou prévenir les nuisances causées par l'épandage de fertilisants organiques. L'article 2 contient la…


Article 4 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Maximum agricultural land area within the boundaries of a single municipal district, except for districts specified hereinafter, that can pertain to ownership of a single natural or legal person shall not exceed 10 percent of total…


This Regional Law establishes plenary powers of state executive bodies related to land tenure with undefined land ownership. It shall be applicable to land allotment and re-issuance of land ownership and land possession certificates, conclusion, modification or rescission of land contracts and…


This Order amends article 2B of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995 to remove those provisions which relate to local development orders implementing policies in local development plans or development plan documents. This amendment is a consequence of an…


The Danish AgriFish Agency may grant subsidies to owners and tenants of farms in order to convert agricultural land to organic farming. The Order’s provisions are designed to meet a market demand for organic production through conversion to organic agricultural production by up to 18 000 ha/year…


This Regional Decree establishes the modalities of performance of municipal land control by local government. Municipal land control shall be conducted in the form of ordinary and extraordinary inspections of legal persona and individual entrepreneurs. The subject of inspection shall be checking…


The Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is composed of 14 articles, establishes: types of fertilizers; composition, packaging, hazardous elements and their limit values for individual groups of fertilizers and allowed offsets and limit values for farming fertilizers; taking samples of…


This Act consists of 21 Articles. It establishes the legal basis for activity in the sphere of land survey and cartography. Objects of land surveying and cartographic activity are the national territory, continents of the terrestrial globe and World Ocean, including islands, outer space,…


The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the foundation of a public land improvement cooperative. Article 2 establishes that whoever shall set up a cooperative has to produce the documents listed in this article. The text consists of 40 articles divided into 5 chapters as follows:…


This Decree establishes hygienic requirements for the contents of phenanthrene, Tilt Fungicide and cadmium in soil calculated in mg/kg of soil. It establishes maximum allowable concentration and approximate allowable concentration. It also establishes limiting factors such as phytotoxicity.…


This Act provides for, among other things, matters related to land-based credit, compulsory acquisition of land by the National Asset Management Agency and other powers of the Agency in relation to land and the development of land.