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The Agreement No. 10 between the Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Irkutsk Region regarding the delimitation of competence and authority in the sphere of social and economic development of the Baikal - Amur main line area and of the Agreement No. 11 between the…


Land reform is aimed at redistribution of land for the purpose of setting up conditions for equal development of different forms of economic activity on land, creation of multiple economic structure, rational use and protection of land on the territory of the RSFSR. In the course of carrying out…


This Ministerial Decree validates the rules for provision of public services and amenities in urban areas, except for the city of Minsk. The provisions include greening of urban areas, sanitary cleaning of the territory, i.e. consumer waste collection, sorting and disposal, organization of…


This Order provides in England for procedures connected with planning applications, consultations in relation to planning applications, the determination of planning applications, appeals, local development orders, certificates of lawful use or development, the maintenance of registers of…


This Order approves the Regulation for the environmental measures to be applied within the Rural Development Plan - RURIS. The Regulation consists of 8 chapters and 8 annexes establishing the financial assistance regime with the following purposes: a) promote agricultural land exploitation…


La presente Ley establece medidas urgentes en materia de ordenación territorial para la dinamización sectorial y la ordenación del turismo, con el objetivo de abordar lod principios del marco en el que el turismo, principal actividad económica del archipiélago, deba desarrollarse en los próximos…

The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Sverdlovsk Region , for the purpose of conservation of historical and cultural heritage, have agreed as follows: 1). The present Agreement establishes delimitation of authority as regards management and conservation of the…


This Order amends the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 in Part 2 of Schedule 2 which confers permitted development rights in respect of certain development for which no specific application for planning permission is needed. This Order provides permitted…


This Regional Law as particularly precious agricultural areas the following categories: (a) experimental fields of agricultural scientific research and educational institutions; (b) experimental fields of agricultural organizations used for testing; (c) agricultural land of state plant variety…


The purpose of the present Law is to enforce the directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE). In particular, the Law provides the legal framework for the development…


These Regulations provide rules relative to good agricultural practice to protect waters against pollution from agricultural sources and prescribe measures for these purposes, including: periods when land application of fertilizers is prohibited; limits on the land application of fertilizers;…


The aim of this Law is to recognize ownership rights and to return to ex-proprietors or their heirs properties which were nationalized, expropriated or confiscated, as well as to determine methods and amounts for returning or compensating for lost properties or other rights. This Law does not…