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The Commissioner of Lands and Surveys may, on application made to him in writing and on payment of a fee of one dollar, grant to any person a permit to dig sand on national lands. Applications for permits to dig sand shall be made to the Commissioner in the form set out in Form 1 of the Schedule…


Rules to implement provisions of the Landlord and Tenant Act. The forms set out in Part I of the Schedule to these Rules are prescribed pursuant to section 69 of the Landlord and Tenant Act. The fees and costs set out in Part II of the said Schedule are the fees and costs which are to be…


It is provided by section 3 of the National Lands Act that the Minister may, by directions in writing delegate any of his functions in connection with the National Lands Act to the Commissioner of Lands and Survey or any other Senior Officer of the Ministry responsible for Lands, the power to…


This Act makes provision for the administration of estates in Belize of deceased foreign persons. It assigns powers to representatives of specified countries of origin of the deceased person to administer the estate if there is no person present in Belize at the time of death who is rightfully…


Land includes, inter alia, lagoons and open waters. "Agricultural land" means land outside the limits of Suburban lands, Beach lands or Towns. The Chief Valuer shall be appointed for purposes of this Act under section 3. Owners of lands situated outside the town limits shall submit a…


Any owner, whose return has been rejected under section 7 of the Land Tax Act and for which an assessment has been made, may object to the valuation with the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys who may refer the matter to the Judge in Chambers (sect. 11). The notice of appeal required by section…


The Act provides for acquisition of private land by the Crown and related procedures.The Act consists of 36 sections divided into 8 Parts: Preliminary (I); Compulsory Acquisition of land and Abandonment of Acquisition (II); Appointment and Powers of Board of Assessment (III); Determination of…


This Act shall apply to every tenancy as defined in section 3 of the Landlord and Tenant Act in respect to any land, other than national land or land within a town, and is created under a contract that: (a) is not in writing; or (b) does not provide for a term certain of more than two years; or…


Section 3 defines kinds of land holding tenancies, i.e., tenancy for years, a tenancy from year to year, a tenancy for less than a year, a tenancy at will and a tenancy on sufferance. The tenancies defined in section 3 comprise the relationships between landlord and tenant in Belize and, subject…


The Act makes provision for prescription in respect of claims relative to water or land pursuant to common law by custom, prescription or grant. Any claim to any way or other easement, or to any watercourse, or the use of any water to be enjoyed or derived upon, over or from any land or water of…


Rules relative to occupation of land in the Land Reserves other than Indian and Carib Reserves. All the lands set out in the first column of the Schedule hereto are hereby declared to be Reserves for the use and occupation of any person resident in Belize, for farming and residential purposes.…


There shall be paid by every lessee of national land a transfer fee at specified rates on the value of the development or improvement done on the leasehold or of the amount of the consideration whichever is greater, in respect of every transfer of subletting of lease outside the compulsory…