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Peer-reviewed publication
Noviembre 2005

Desde las primeras divisiones territoriales del Gran Recife, las iglesias puntúan el escenario urbano con sus torres, sus atrios y patios, siendo fuertes símbolos de reconocimiento e identificación de barrios de la ciudad. Las iglesias sus patios y atrios formaron parte de las primeras…

Reports & Research
Octubre 2005

In June 2005, OECD members met with senior government officials from Brazil to discuss Brazilian agricultural policies and future directions, as a part of a comprehensive agricultural policy review. Ongoing dialogue with Brazil on policy issues is important to fostering a better understanding of…

Conference Papers & Reports
Octubre 2005

Presentation Overview:Convey key OECD findings about agriculture in Brazil and China; Identify the key results of policy reform; Present implications for the future.

Journal Articles & Books
Octubre 2005

In developing countries across the globe the impact of livestock on deforestation levels has
been profound. This paper explores the role of the cattle industry in household decision
making for small landholders in the Brazilian Amazon. Important inquiries raised in the

Journal Articles & Books
Septiembre 2005

El marco político para la gestión forestal es un proceso dinámico de renovación e innovación. Nuevas actitudes públicas hacia el bosque y el desarrollo forestal y nuevos actores políticos presionan por un mayor énfasis en la importancia ambiental y social y por más participación en las…

Junio 2005

The São Francisco River provides about 70% of the surface water in Northeast Brazil and like much of Brazil the basin includes communities characterized by a broad range of incomes and persistent poverty (Brito and Gichuki 2003). The basin’s agricultural systems cover a similar range between…

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero 2005

En el medio rural brasileño, las relaciones sociales, históricamente complejas, todavía esperan cambios fundamentales en la garantía de la democracia, la ciudadanía y la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente. Esta entrevista gira en torno al tema de la necesidad de cambiar las relaciones entre…

Reports & Research
Diciembre 2004

Este trabalho procura mostrar como a moradia é tratada no Brasil sob a perspectiva dos direitos humanos, das legislações e das políticas públicas nacionais, com enfoque especial para o Direito   Moradia Adequada, entendida em seu conceito mais amplo. Os dados e infor- mações que aqui se reúnem…

Diciembre 2004

This working paper focuses on the Movement of the Landless (MST) and the various legal strategies used to redefine property law in Brazil. Through a number of legal strategies MST has helped produce watershed high court rulings, contributed to the process of constitutionalising law, and made…

Diciembre 2004

This compendium provides an improved understanding of the complex issues concerning gender and land. It draws on research commissioned by FAO. The authors argue that hunger and poverty are, in general, consequences of inadequate and restricted access to land and other resources, such as capital…

Diciembre 2004

Today, many rural poor Filipinos are using state law to try to claim land rights. In spite of the availability of a much stronger set of legal resources than ever before, claiming legal land rights remains difficult. Some argue these difficulties are a reason to turn away from state-led land…

Diciembre 2004

This brief explores the reform of land tenure institutions which re-emerged in the 1990s, and asks if these reforms are any more gender sensitive than those of the past?The paper highlights that a focus of the recent reforms has been on land titling, designed to promote security of tenure and…