Beginning in January 1991, the U.S. Agency for International Development funded a series of studies on land, employment, and financial markets in the peri-urban areas of Maputo. Beginning in September 1991, a land-market survey involving 121 households and 162 plots of land was administered in…
In October 1992, the Peace Accord was signed in Mozambique. Many positive changes have taken place since then. and the countryside in postwar Mozambique is in a state of intense transformation. Nevertheless, the government has been largely silent on the issue of land tenure reform, while some of…
The forestry and forest industries sectors have been borne on the tide of this wider reform. This issue of Unasylva offers an analysis of experiences with regard to forestry in transitional economies, with the aim of facilitating an understanding of the important issues involved in the process…
El sector forestal en general, y el de la industria forestal en particular, no ha quedado al margen de este amplio proceso de reformas. En el presente nmero de Unasylva se analizan las vicisitudes del sector forestal en determinados pases en transicin hacia la economa de mercado.
La foresterie et l'industrie forestire sont prises dans ce vaste processus de rforme. Ce numro d'Unasylva analyse l'exprience vcue par les pays en transition dans le secteur de la foresterie.
Dans de nombreuses régions du monde, les ressources en eau de plus en plus limitées et la mauvaise utilisation de l’eau douce mettent en péril le développement durable. Plus des deux tiers de l’eau prélevée dans les fleuves, lacs et nappes aquifères étant utilisés pour l’irrigation, l’…
Lei da Agua em Moçambique (Lei N.16/91)