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Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2012

Land Watch Asia (LWA) is a campaign undertaken by a loose coalition of organizations with a view to supporting and advancing the advocacy for access to land in Asia, particularly in the six participating countries, namely: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, and the Philippines. LWA…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2012

The purpose of this document is to promote a dialogue about land issues between FAO and its member countries, indigenous peoples, the Permanent Forum and other interested organizations. It outlines a number of basic principles of a methodological approach for indigenous peoples’ territorial…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2012

A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and natural resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2012

Данные руководящие принципы являются первым всесторонним глобальным правовым документом, посвященным вопросам системы владения и пользования ресурсами и ее регулирования, который был подготовлен на основе межправительственных переговоров. В них установлены принципы и международно признанные…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2012

هذه الخطوط التوجيهية هي أول صكّ عالمي شامل خاص بالحيازات وإدارتها يُعدّ من خلال مفاوضات حكومية دولية. وتضع هذه الخطوط التوجيهية مبادئ ومعايير مقبولة دولياً للممارسات المسؤولة لاستخدام الأراضي ومصايد الأسماك والغابات وللتحكّم بها. وهي تعطي توجيهات لتحسين الأطر القانونية والتنظيمية والمتصلة…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2012

This AQUASTAT report presents the most recent information available on water resources and their use in the 22 countries in the Southern and Eastern Asia region. Clearly it has an emphasis on agricultural water use and management. But in addition it contains the relevant tables and maps, and a…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2012

Abstracting from the scientific understanding and technological advances achieved over the last few decades, and relying on a network of several scientific institutions, FAO has packaged a set of tools in this Irrigation and Drainage Paper to better appraise and enhance crop yield response to…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2012

Meeting Name: FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC)
Meeting symbol/code: ERC/12/INF/15
Session: Sess. 28

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2012

La dixième édition du rapport sur la Situation des forêts du monde part d'un constat fondamental: les forêts, la foresterie et les produits forestiers jouent un rôle essentiel dans le développement durable. La Situation des forêts du monde est publiée tous les deux ans. Dans toute l…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2012

FAO-Adapt consolidates FAO’s multidisciplinary expertise on climate change adaptation. Through this Organization-wide framework, FAO provides countries with best practices, key principles and priority themes on which member nations can focus adaptation efforts in agriculture and food security…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2012

Our region is food insecure and a net importer of foods. It produces much less food than it requires due to many factors, such as limited arable land and shortage of water resources, and below world average agricultural productivity in many cases. In addition, the region suffers from excessive…