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Displaying 577 - 588 of 760

This Act amends the Physical Planning Act: in section 2 (interpretation); in section 3 by deleting paragraph (h) and substituting the following: “(h) the Managing Director of the Montserrat Utilities Limited (MUL) or a representative nominated by the Managing Director; by inserting section 63A…


This Act imposes a tax on all lands and buildings not being within the Cities of Port-of-Spain and San Fernando, or the Boroughs of Arima and Point Fortin. It also requires owners or occupiers of land or buildings to make returns and provides with respect to the assessment of the value of land…


This Act grants powers to Parish Councils to abate nuisances such as dangerous buildings and structures on private land and holds the owner of such land to be liable for the payment of the costs of such operation. The Council may, in case the nuisance is not abated, apply to court for a…


This Act amends the Land Tax Act in section 6B with respect to tax rates to be paid by pensioner. It also inserts new section 28B concerning waiver of penalties and interest.
Amends: Land Tax Act. (2003)


This Act amends the Land Valuation Act in section 10 by inserting a subsection which disapplies subsections (1) and (2) of that section to hotels within the meaning of section 6B of the Land Tax Act, Cap. 78A for a specified period. Section 10 concerns new valuations.
Amends: Land…


This Order requires a census to be carried out in 2012. The information required for the Agricultural Census and the particulars to be stated in the Census forms shall be those set out in Schedule I of this Order and the forms set out in Schedule II to this Order shall be used for the collection…


This Act concerns succession and related matters such as the administration of estates of deceased persons. It provides, among other things, for: the among and execution of wills, devolution of estates, distribution on intestacy and grant of representation. The Act also establishes the officer…


El presente Decreto Ley autoriza la entrega de tierras estatales ociosas en concepto de usufructo gratuito y por tiempo determinado a personas naturales o jurídicas, que no pueden ser transferidas a terceros, para que las exploten racional y sosteniblemente atendiendo a la aptitud de los suelos…


This Act makes provision for the management, development and protection of the forest resources of The Bahamas and for related matters.The Act consist of 36 sections divided into 9 Parts: Preliminary (I); Administration (II); Forest Reserves, Protected Forests and Conservation Forests (III);…


This Act vests all public lands and the public use of specified land in the Governor-General and denominates all such lands "Crown lands". Subject to section 6(1) of the National Parks and Protected Areas Act, the Governor-General may grant, sell, exchange or lease any of the Crown…


This Act makes provision for the registration of instruments affecting land and other matters relating to registration of titles in land and the proof of instruments. It continues the existing Deeds and Land Registry and defines functions and powers of the Registrar. The Act specifies the…


These Rules prohibit the taking possession of, encroaching upon, cultivating or putting up any building or structure on any part of any Crown Land without the express authorization in writing of the Minister. A person who occupies Crown Land without any right or authority shall be deemed to be a…