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Pastoralism is a farming system in societies that derive majority of their food and
income from livestock production. This form of farming system is practised in the
world’s arid and semi arid lands (ASALs). It is estimated that 70% of the landmass
in the Horn of Africa is dry land; in Kenya 80% of the landmass is classified as ASAL
while approximately half of Tanzania consists of dry land. These dry lands can only
be effectively utilised when used for livestock rearing, supporting wildlife resource
harvesting and tourism.
In this paper we present a current situation analysis of animal health and its implication
on food safety based on primary data collected from pastoralists in Kajiado
County, Kenya and in Tanga and Morogoro regions in Tanzania. Less than 10% of
pastoralists in these communities engage in crop farming to supplement household income,
and with their high dependency on livestock rearing, animal health challenges
are a significant problem. We report on the livestock diseases with high prevalence
and postulate their effects on food safety and food security in pastoral communities.
We also explore the extent of species rearing diversification, pastoralist trade orientation,
and practices that may expose the community and their trading partners to animal
and zoonotic infections. We also assess access to animal health service providers
within these pastoral areas and veterinary drug usage that may have significant implications
on animal health and food safety.