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This report analyzes some key aspects of
food security, namely production, trade, markets and food
aid at the national level, and consumption at the household
level. In doing so it aspires to make a contribution to the
on-going work in Afghanistan regarding the attainment of the
poverty and hunger Millennium Development Goal. The major
findings of the report can be summarized as follows: Food
security (at the national level) does not necessarily
require national self-sufficiency in wheat or other food
staples, as long as the country has access to international
markets. Rather, diversification into legal high-value crops
and livestock products may be the most effective means of
increasing food security, by generating foreign exchange and
raising the incomes and purchasing power of the rural poor.
In spite of very difficult conditions, wheat markets in
Afghanistan have performed fairly well and private sector
international trade has helped to stabilize supply and
prices. Therefore, further developing the infrastructure and
institutions to support wheat markets and facilitating
private sector trade is called for and will enhance food
security. At the household level, food insecurity in
Afghanistan is largely caused by inadequate access to food
resulting from low household incomes. For most of
Afghanistan, where availability of food is not a constraint,
increasing cash incomes is the more efficient means of
enhancing food security of the poor. Development of both
private and public capacity for data collection and analysis
is a high priority for effective formulation, assessment and
implementation of food policies.