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Community Organizations Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
University or Research Institution
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+32(0)81 62 21 11


Passage des Déportés, 2
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Faculté à la pointe du développement durable et de l’éco-innovation, de la parcelle au consommateur, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech se consacre exclusivement aux sciences agronomiques et à l’ingénierie biologique.

Elle forme des bioingénieurs grâce à un programme complet en cinq ans. Quatre filières d’étude distinctes permettent aux étudiants de se spécialiser dans des domaines clés des sciences du vivant : sciences et technologies de l’environnementla gestion des forêts et des espaces naturelsles sciences agronomiquesla chimie et les bioindustries.

Ces spécialisations préparent les étudiants à gérer la bio-industrie de demain, à utiliser les biotechnologies, les agromatériaux et les biocarburants, à analyser les problèmes des eaux, des sols, de l’air, à gérer les ressources naturelles, à épurer, dépolluer, à mettre au point de nouveaux médicaments et de nouvelles formes d’aliments, etc.

Gembloux Agro Bio Tech offre également une formation complète d’architecte paysagiste, organisée en partenariat avec la Haute-Ecole Charlemagne et la Faculté d’architecture de l’ULB (La Cambre Horta).

Intégrée à l’Université de Liège depuis le 1e octobre 2009, Gembloux Agro Bio Tech est une faculté à taille humaine, ouverte sur le monde et dont la qualité de l’enseignement et l’excellence des recherches sont réputées internationalement depuis plus de 150 ans.



Displaying 11 - 15 of 31

Mise au point d' un modele cartographique pour la description des stations forestieres en Ardenne belge

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2002

Development of a cartographic mdel for the forest site types delineation in the Belgian Ardenne. The paper presents an original method dealing with the forest site types delineation. The suggested method consists in integrating a typological key in a GIS aiming at producing a thematic map that describes forest site types. Data used are the soil map of Belgium (digitized at the scale 1:20,000) and a digital elevation model built from a topographic map (scale 1:10,000). The typological key is mainly based on the methodology used by Thill et al.

Mise au point d' un modele cartographique pour la description des stations forestieres en Ardenne belge

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2002

Development of a cartographic mdel for the forest site types delineation in the Belgian Ardenne. The paper presents an original method dealing with the forest site types delineation. The suggested method consists in integrating a typological key in a GIS aiming at producing a thematic map that describes forest site types. Data used are the soil map of Belgium (digitized at the scale 1:20,000) and a digital elevation model built from a topographic map (scale 1:10,000). The typological key is mainly based on the methodology used by Thill et al.

Forests and the national greenhouse gas inventory of Germany. COST E21 Workshop. Contribution of forests and forestry to mitigate greenhouse effects. Joensuu (Finland). 28-30 Sep 2000

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2000
Western Europe

Since 1995, experiences have been gathered with the calculation of National Greenhouse Gas Inventories in Germany. Because only marginal changes of the total forested area occur in Germany, relevant changes of the balance of greenhouse gases in the forest sector are related to forest management. It was found that the increment of wood by far exceeds the harvested timber volume. Therefore, forests in Germany currently represent a significant sink for carbon (8-9 Mt C per year).

Contribution of forests and forestry in Finland to mitigate greenhouse effect. COST E21 Workshop. Contribution of forests and forestry to mitigate greenhouse effects. Joensuu (Finland). 28-30 Sep 2000

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2000
Western Europe

Ministry of the Environment is coordinating matters related to the unitéd Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change. National reporting of greenhouse gas inventories for land-use change and forestry category utilises forest inventory results with appropriate studies on biomass allocation and wood properties as well as national wood consumption statistics allowing to use country-specific values instead of overall default values provided in the Intergovernemental Panel on Climatic Change guidelines.

Possibilities for carbon sequestration in Irish forests. COST E21 Workshop. Contribution of forests and forestry to mitigate greenhouse effects. Joensuu (Finland). 28-30 Sep 2000

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2000
Western Europe

Ireland has a rapidly expanding forest estate which covers some 9/ of the land area. It is government policy to increase this to 17/ by the year 2030. Preliminary studies suggest that forestry activities have the potential to contribute significantly to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Although some studies have been carried out the determination of the carbon stores and sinks in Irish forests will require a considerable research effort in the future.