The Republican Scientific Agricultural Library of the State Agrarian University of Moldova (Biblioteca Republicană Ştiinţifică Agricolă a Universităţii Agrare de Stat din Moldova) is a university library and national information and documentation center in agricultural science.
IRAS SAUM is the Institutional Repository in Agricultural Sciences of the State Agrarian University of Moldova that collects, preserves and provides access to articles published in the scientific journals, annals, conference and workshop papers, doctoral theses, educational materials created by academic community. IRAS is included in OpenDOAR, ROAR and DuraSpace Registry.
Displaying 41 - 45 of 48Analiza potenţialului productiv al fondului funciar din Republica Moldova
In this article, some analysis models regarding land structure and productive capacity of the land fund are examined. Also, there were analyzed the influence of erosions degree and soil quality on the modification of the agricultural land efficiency. It was established that the productive potential of the land fund depends on climatic conditions, which determine the necessity to adjust agriculture to the peculiarities of different regions
Difficultăţile gestionării resurselor funciare in Republica Moldova
The article exposed the structure and land resource management issues
worldwide. Also, it explains the difficulties of effective management of land in Moldova
and the factors that generate them: high fragmentation of land, failure to comply with the
technological processing rules of the land, short-term lease etc.
Piaţa de vânzare-cumpărare ca mijloc de consolidare a terenurilor agricole
The article is focused on the investigation of the land consolidation through purchase and sale land market development in Moldova. First, it describes land market development and its impact on land re- parceling. Second, it analyzes legal restrictions of buying land for foreign investors and its negative impact on land consolidation and agricultural development. Third, it shows the impediment of high transaction costs on the alleviation of high level of land fragmentation and proposes several solutions for its elimination.
Eficienţa economică a potenţialului de producţie în unităţile agricole
În baza datelor a 857 întreprinderi agricole din Republica Moldova, s-a determinat nivelul potenţialului de producţie în profilul regiunilor de dezvoltare şi eficienţa economică privind utilizarea acestuia. Folosind metode economico-statistice, s-au stabilit factorii ce ţin de capacitatea productivă a terenului agricol, înzestrarea tehnică a forţei de muncă şi influenţa lor la creşterea eficienţei economice a potenţialului de producţie.
Trends and possible perspectives of moldavian’s farms
Agriculture is an integral part of the world food system. Because of the rapid growth in world population, increasing food output will receive greater attention in future years. The dilemma involves the entire food sector, from farm supply to farming and ranching to food processing and distribution. Republic Moldova’s agriculture accounts for approximately 35% of the GDP and with food processing industry added, as much as 46%. 42% of active labor force is involved in the agriculture sector. In the given work the author studies the land resources use of farms from Republic of Moldova.