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Displaying 1669 - 1680 of 1707
By Yuliya Panfil, Omidyar Network One in four people are worried about losing their home against their will in the next five years, according to a nine-country Gallup-led survey on people’s perceptions of their property rights. The survey, which polled 11,000 people across Peru, Colombia, Brazil…
Date: 20 avril 2017 Source: Mediapart Par Ludovic Brossard  La pire crise humanitaire depuis la fin de la Deuxième guerre mondiale. Plus de 20 millions de personnes sont menacées par la famine dans quatre pays : Soudan du Sud, où la famine a été déclarée, Nigeria, Yémen, et Somalie, où l'…
By  Lewis Evans, Survival International For Earth Day (April 22), Survival International reveals some of the amazing ways in which tribal peoples are the best conservationists and guardians of the natural world: 1. The Baka “Pygmies” have over 15 words for elephant The Baka people know so…
Publicado por Chiara Massolin Un reciente reportaje internacional realizado por Stefano Liberti, periodista y escritor italiano de política internacional, ilustra a través de un meticuloso viaje de la duración de 2 años, el funcionamiento del sistema alimentario global siguiendo 4 cadenas de…
By Anne Larson, Principal Scientist, CIFOR   The recent World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, held this past March in Washington D.C., provided a unique opportunity to reflect on collective land tenure reforms not only from a research point of view, but also from that of governments.   The…
By Monique Villa and Peter Rabley What would happen if you suddenly lost your home? Beyond bricks and mortar, this is a safe place for you and your family. It’s your sanctuary, a space which is yours. If you were forced from it tomorrow, with no alternative, how would you survive? Now imagine…
By Phyllis Omido, Founder of the Center for Justice Governance and Environmental Action The announcement of the winners of this year’s Goldman Environmental Prize is an opportunity to celebrate activist leaders. But it is also a moment to recognize just how much courage their efforts (and those…
Date: 16 juin 2017 Source: CIRAD Un article publié dans The Conversation décrypte le cheminement et l’érosion progressive d'une information cruciale concernant les relations entre déforestation et plantations de palmier à huile. Il montre notamment que, contrairement à ce qui a été repris dans…
By Mike Powell, Development Information Specialist, facilitator of monitoring and evaluative processes with the Land Portal and volunteer member of its Technical Advisory Group​ The Context: Conflicts over land have shaped human history.  Policies as to its desired use are shaped by ever-changing…
  By Yuta Masuda and Brian E. Robinson I’m sitting in a Mongolian yurt, listening to and trying to emulate Bataa’s* songs about love for the grasslands and the wide, treeless plains of the Mongolian Plateau. Our host sings with consuming passion. I might have brushed his enthusiasm off as a…
By Liz Alden Wily and Fabrice Dubertret, Members of the LandMark Operations Team. Do community-held lands thrive today in Europe? If so, what can communities in Asia, Africa and Latin America learn from their long experiences? This was the topic of a Practitioner Lab hosted by LandMark : the…
By Jamal Browne   Since the adoption of the global indicator framework by the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) back in March 2016, significant progress has been made on a set of tenure-related indicators – familiarly referred to as the ‘land indicators’ – primarily through the efforts of the…