Dois anos depois que os(as) doadores(as) internacionais prometeram US$ 1,7 bilhão aos Povos Indígenas na COP26, ha um reconhecimento de seu papel crucial na proteção da biodiversidade e na captura de carbono. Houve um bom progresso na preparação dos sistemas necessários para que o dinheiro seja…
De las promesas al progreso: Financiación de las iniciativas climáticas más allá de la COP28
Dos años después de que los donantes internacionales prometieran 1.700 millones de dólares a los pueblos indígenas en la COP26, un reconocimiento de su papel crucial en la protección de la biodiversidad y…
RRI is excited to announce the launch of its new online Tenure Tool. This platform, hosted on RRI’s website, will give rightsholders, researchers, activists, policymakers, and the public free and easy access to qualitative and quantitative data on the forest tenure rights of Indigenous Peoples,…
O RRI tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento de sua nova Ferramenta de Posse on-line. Essa plataforma, hospedada no site da RRI, oferecerá aos(as) detentores(as) de direitos, pesquisadores(as), ativistas, formuladores(as) de políticas e ao público em geral acesso fácil e gratuito a dados…
RRI se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de su nueva herramienta de tenencia online. Esta plataforma, alojado en el sitio web de RRI, dará a los titulares de derechos, investigadores, activistas, políticos y el público libre y fácil acceso a los datos cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre los…
By Tuya, Gender and Land Champion, WOLTS Project Mongolia
One sunny day in my village of Bornuur, my granddaughter came to me saying that someone outside wanted to see me. A smiling lady greeted me and asked if my name is Tuya. It turned out that she was from PCC and that many people in my…
By Odgerel, Gender and Land Champion, WOLTS Project Mongolia
I have been a herder in Mongolia for 30 years and my life, like all other herders, depends on good pasture. But our lands are facing a growing problem of pastureland degradation. This is due to mining, but also the increasing numbers…
Par Odgerel, championne du genre et du foncier, projet WOLTS Mongolie
Je suis éleveur en Mongolie depuis 30 ans et ma vie, comme celle de tous les autres éleveurs, dépend de bons pâturages. Mais nos terres sont confrontées à un problème croissant de dégradation des pâturages. Cela est dû à l'…
By P. Purevdolgor, Gender and Land Champion, WOLTS Project Mongolia
I live 500 km from Mongolia’s capital, Ulaanbaatar, in an area called Taliin Buuts (Steppe in the Dung). I am a herder with sheep and goats that I sell for meat and for high quality cashmere wool. When I was a child, the…
Par P. Purevdolgor, Champion du genre et du foncier, Projet WOLTS Mongolie
Je vis à 500 km de la capitale de la Mongolie, Ulaanbaatar, dans une région appelée Taliin Buuts (Steppe dans le fumier). Je suis éleveur de moutons et de chèvres que je vends pour la viande et pour la laine de…
Rather than scaling up, I think we should be talking about scaling out and scaling over time when it comes to inclusive, community-led land governance. I tried these ideas out with some success two weeks ago at the annual LANDac Conference in the Netherlands, specifically during a Round Table…