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Countries Asia du sud-est related News

Asia du sud-est

Displaying 1 - 12 of 67
16 Octobre 2024
Foto: UNDP Climate/Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0) Local abalado por escassez de água, desmatamento, erosão e deslizamentos está recuperando sua capacidade produtiva por meio de um novo sistema de irrigação e técnicas de agrofloresta introduzidos pelo Pnud; resultados incluem redução da subnutrição em…
22 Avril 2023
People gather to harvest the rich green fields along the road from Taunggyi to Hsi Hseng. None of them, however, are wearing the usual indigo tunics and multi-colour turbans of Pa-O people, who predominate in this area of southern Shan State. “They are soldiers and their families from military…
22 Septembre 2022
On 15-16 September, the second National Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Responsible Agriculture and Forestry Investment took place in Vientiane. Building on the success of a first Dialogue in 2021, this year’s event convened various stakeholders from the sector with the aim to review the progress of…
5 Juillet 2022
LANDac International Conference 2022 Session Summary This panel was conceptualised around the current era of guidelines and certification as tools for resolving problems arising from weak regulation of agribusiness investments. Some of these tools include international frameworks, voluntary…
22 Juin 2022
Abordar a violência baseada em gênero e os vínculos ambientais para melhorar a conservação baseada em direitos, a ação climática e o desenvolvimento sustentável para todos e todas.  Durante a última semana, o mundo se reuniu para celebrar Estocolmo+50, apelando para "um planeta saudável para a…
28 Janvier 2022
  El pueblo kuy de los bosques tropicales de Prey Lang y Prey Preah Roka se ve afectado. La tala ilegal de bosques protegidos socava los derechos humanos y anula las tradiciones de los pueblos indígenas de Camboya, según ha revelado una nueva investigación de Amnistía Internacional. En un nuevo…
17 Novembre 2021
MANILA – The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) is hoping its proposed budget for 2022 for its land titling project will be restored during the bicameral committee deliberation of the Senate and the House of Representatives. In an interview with the Philippine News Agency on Wednesday, DAR…
20 Octobre 2021
FAO is providing support to the Government of Lao People's Democratic Republic in the crafting of relevant sub-legislations under the 2019 Land Law. This process is led by the Department of Land of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. FAO's support will ensure the mainstreaming of the…
3 Juin 2021
  L’Indice FAO des prix des produits alimentaires affiche sa plus forte hausse mensuelle et atteint son niveau le plus haut depuis septembre 2011.   3 juin 2021, Rome - Les prix mondiaux des produits alimentaires ont enregistré leur plus forte hausse mensuelle depuis plus d'une décennie,…
23 Avril 2021
Cerca de 1.600 hectares de arroz e 295 hectares de culturas de milho em seis municípios de Timor-Leste foram danificados pelo recente ciclone Seroja, segundo dados recolhidos em voos de avaliação do Programa Alimentar Mundial das Nações Unidas (PAM). Entre 16 e 21 de abril, o PAM realizou, com o…
17 Février 2021
MRLG is hiring a Communications and Event Management for Specialist for the Mekong Region Land Forum 2021. MRLG and its partners successfully organized two Regional Land Forums, first in Hanoi in 2016 and then Bangkok in 2018. The second Regional Land Forum, co-organized with the Food and…
19 Janvier 2021
Please pass this on to any parties who might be interested in Masters-level training on land: For more information, please consult the brochure included with this posting, or contact Daniel Hayward at:     Want to work in Development? Looking for a career as a…