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Countries Colombie related Blog post


Displaying 25 - 36 of 152
3 Août 2023
Anne Hennings
Esta entrada de blog forma parte de la serie Qué leer. Este número se ha elaborado en el marco de un proyecto en colaboración con ANGOC, ALRD y financiado por el Foro Global de Investigación Agrícola (Global Forum on Agricultural Research - GFAR). La adaptación al cambio climático se ha convertido…
11 Juillet 2023
Communities in developing countries are increasingly exposed to the effects of climate change. Although they contribute little to greenhouse gas emissions, many communities are at the forefront of climate change and the associated extreme events. They are faced with events that undermine their food…
11 Juillet 2023
This session addressed the fact that the rights implications and the social and economic consequences of current climate change and biodiversity strategies in the context of the Rio Conventions for millions of people are not sufficiently acknowledged, researched, and addressed. The presenters and…
11 Juillet 2023
Dominique Schmid
A roundtable moderated by Annelies Zoomers and organized by Dominique Schmid Nowadays when it comes to land, many transitions are ongoing, and many organizations target processes of change to improve livelihoods while defining their target groups. In this roundtable we aimed to critically engage…
16 Novembre 2022
Maria-Clara van der Hammen, Wytske
From 6-18 November, Egypt hosts the COP27 Climate Summit. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Despite this long trajectory and the progress made, climate change has increasingly severe effects across the world. The LAND-at-scale…
15 Octobre 2022
  Por: Gloria Erazo Garnica El proceso histórico de los Derechos Humanos se da en medio de debates históricos y políticos de la humanidad; la lucha contra el colonialismo, la pugna entre el individualismo y el colectivismo, la afirmación de soberanía de los estados. Sin embargo, muchas…
4 Octobre 2022
Daniel Hayward
Anyone working in the field of land tenure and land governance will be aware of the existence of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGTs). Similarly, many will know that 2022 is the ten-year anniversary of their endorsement.  There…
4 Octobre 2022
Daniel Hayward
Cualquiera que trabaje en el ámbito de la tenencia y la gobernanza de la tierra conocerá la existencia de las Directrices voluntarias sobre la gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques (DVGT). Asimismo, muchos sabrán que en 2022 se cumplen diez años de su aprobación…
4 Octobre 2022
Daniel Hayward
Qualquer pessoa que trabalhe na área relacionada à posse da terra e sua governança estará ciente da existência das Diretrizes Voluntárias sobre a Governança Responsável da Posse de Terra, Pesca e Florestas (VGGTs - sigla em inglês). Da mesma forma, muitos(as) saberão que 2022 é o aniversário de dez…
4 Octobre 2022
Daniel Hayward
Toute personne travaillant dans le domaine des régimes fonciers et de la gouvernance foncière connaît l'existence des Directives volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers applicables aux terres, aux pêches et aux forêts (VGGT). De même, beaucoup sauront que 2022 est l'…
29 Septembre 2022
Webinar Recap: Pandemic, social unrest and war echoing in the Amazon     OVERVIEW Following discussions reflecting on COP26 and the nexus of technology and land governance, the third Land Dialogues webinar of 2022 took a broader view at the state of the Amazon. The panel examined the lingering…
29 Septembre 2022
Recapitulação do Webinário: Pandemia, agitação social e guerra ecoando na Amazônia VISÃO GERAL Após discussões sobre a COP26 e o nexo entre tecnologia e governança da terra, o terceiro webinário dos Diálogos sobre a Terra de 2022 teve uma visão mais ampla sobre o estado da Amazônia. O painel…