WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 2nd, 2020)—The first round of Cadasta Foundation’s Data Accelerator Grant has been released to three African organizations to advance land rights and tenure security for vulnerable populations.
Under Cadasta’s Global Land Rights Challenge Fund, Cadasta launched its Data…
Até 2030, o plano dos países do Sahel é plantar árvores numa faixa de dezenas de milhares de quilómetros quadrados para conter a expansão do deserto do Saara. Mas o projeto tem problemas.
A "Grande Muralha Verde de África" deverá estender-se da costa do Senegal, no oceano Atlântico, até ao leste…
Smallholder farmers grow 90% of Nigeria’s food but their crops are vulnerable to ever more extreme weather linked to climate change. New technologies can help
Michael Okorie, 54, wanders through a narrow muggy track on his way to his farm, wagging a cutlass and whistling some local Christian…
Em África há um interesse crescente em proteger as florestas. Mas a pressão sobre o ecossistema mantém-se. Muitas empresas dependem da plantação de árvores que deem lucro imediato, sem respeitar a diversidade natural.
Os países africanos declararam guerra às alterações climáticas, reflorestando…
Date: 24 septembre 2019
Source: Commodafrica
La Banque centrale du Nigéria (CBN) a engagé 30 milliards de naira ($82 millions) pour stimuler la production d’huile de palme dans le pays et ainsi combler le déficit de demande d'huile de palme, qui s'élève actuellement à 1,25 million de tonne (Mt) par…
Date: 5 septembre 2019
Source: Foncier & Développement
Objectif de l’étude:
L’étude a comme objectif de permettre au projet RESILAC de qualifier finement les dynamiques foncières dans le bassin du lac Tchad, afin d’identifier les approches et les pratiques effectivement porteuses de résilience…
Plano do Governo de criar os chamados assentamentos ruga sofre resistência da oposição, especialmente no estado de Benue. Amnistia Internacional defende conceder terras aos fulas para evitar conflitos étnicos.
Na Nigéria, discute-se intensamente sobre a criação das aldeias fulani, os chamados…
A regional workshop on “Strengthening the Accessibility and Visibility of Agricultural and Land Data through the Use of Semantics - AGRIS in Europe and Central Asia” was held by FAO in collaboration with the LandPortal Foundation (the Netherlands) in Moscow, 27-28 June 2019, hosted by the Central…
LAGOS, Nigeria, Jun 10 2019 (IPS) - As a wife and mother in Nigeria who wanted to support my family and my community, I began my own farm in 2006. When I began, I never could have dreamed that just cultivating the earth would someday lead to my meeting government leaders, and traveling to meet…
Those who gathered at Nri, Anambra State on December 28, 2018, did not go for merry-making; they gathered there because of a burning issue that has torn into shreds Ndigbo in the South East and other Igbo-speaking people in other states. The issue is the obnoxious practice called the Osu Caste…
A escalada de violência nos confrontos entre pastores nômades armados e fazendeiros em várias partes da Nigéria deixou 3.641 mortos, dos quais 57% morreram este ano, segundo um relatório publicado nesta segunda-feira pela Anistia Internacional (AI).
"A letargia das autoridades permitiu que a…
Date: 10 décembre 2018
Source: Africanews.com
Par: John Ndinga Ngoma
Au Nigeria, huit personnes ont perdu la vie dans des affrontements entre deux communautés ethniques de l‘État du Nigeria, à l’ouest.
La localité de Lavun dans l‘État du Niger, à l’ouest du Nigeria, en deuil ce samedi. Huit…