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Countries Rwanda related News


Displaying 13 - 24 of 69
4 Juillet 2022
LANDac International Conference 2022 Session Summary Technology is a powerful tool that can help protect the land rights of the poor and promote socioeconomic growth. However, if the land and technology policy frameworks are insufficient, if technology is not designed with a specific context in…
1 Juillet 2022
The session had as its main aim to try to understand what is needed to scale up the existing solutions on improving Land Governance and/or land administration. Has been seen that the use of Fit for Purpose in several countries at the pilot level has good results. The presentation of cases was a…
3 Mai 2022
Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Burundi are set to benefit from a regional initiative dubbed “Transforming Agri-Food Systems in West and Central Africa (TAFS-WCA)” which is aimed to increase food security and combat climate crisis.     The $25 million initiative was launched by…
15 Avril 2022
La République du Congo va céder 12 000 hectares de terres arables à l’Etat rwandais dans trois départements du pays. Ces terres seront utilisées pour le développement des activités agricoles, notamment dans la culture du ricin. Cette annonce a été faite lors de la visite du président Paul KAGAME en…
18 Janvier 2022
A total of 1,315,890 plots of land from across the country have been temporarily registered to the Government, after their owners failed to meet the December 2021 deadline of registration of all plots of land in the country. Speaking to The New Times, Grace Nishimwe, the Head of Land…
30 Novembre 2021
Une nouvelle feuille de route pour permettre au CORAF de renforcer sa coopération avec ses partenaires en Afrique centrale a été arrêtée suite à de larges consultations avec les acteurs centrafricains. Réunis à Kinshasa, en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), du 22 au 24 novembre 2021, les…
26 Août 2021
The Rwanda Land Management & Use Authority (RMLUA), the Netherlands embassy in Kigali (EKN) and the Netherlands Enterprise and Development Agency (RVO) are delighted to announce a LAND-at-scale project in Rwanda. Together with Kadaster International and the International Development Law…
27 Juillet 2021
The Land Portal Foundation and Open Data Charter intend to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance in the period 2021 - 2024. As part of this project, we seek to develop State of Land Information (SOLI) reports for 10-12 countries in Africa and Latin America. The SOLI reports will provide…
27 Juillet 2021
The Land Portal Foundation and Open Data Charter intend to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance in the period 2021 - 2024. As part of this project, we seek to develop State of Land Information (SOLI) reports for 10-12 countries in Africa and Latin America. The SOLI reports will provide…
27 Juillet 2021
The Land Portal Foundation and Open Data Charter intend to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance in the period 2021 - 2024. As part of this project, we seek to develop State of Land Information (SOLI) reports for 10-12 countries in Africa and Latin America. The SOLI reports will provide…
27 Juillet 2021
The Land Portal Foundation and Open Data Charter intend to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance in the period 2021 - 2024. As part of this project, we seek to develop State of Land Information (SOLI) reports for 10-12 countries in Africa and Latin America. The SOLI reports will provide…
27 Juillet 2021
La Land Portal Foundation et Open Data Charter ont l'intention de mettre en œuvre le guide Open Up pour la gouvernance foncière au cours de la période 2021 - 2024. Dans le cadre de ce projet, nous cherchons à développer des rapports sur l'état des informations foncières (SOLI) pour 10 à 12 pays d'…