COVID-19 related content
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Five mega-trends affecting forests will have profound impacts on local communities
We need to understand the consequences of technology, migration, climate shifts, infrastructure and a growing middle class on forest-dependent people
The fifth anniversary of the signing of the Paris Agreement offers a moment to reflect on progress towards global climate goals. When it comes to protecting the world’s forests, which are essential to global and national efforts to combat climate change and biodiversity loss, there has been little – if any – progress.
O décimo terceiro assassinato em Bosawás em 2020
Líderes e autoridades indígenas informaram ao CALPI sobre o homicídio atroz perpetrado com faca (facão) por um colono não indígena contra o indígena Mayangna Michael López Rivera, de 18 anos (q.e.p.d.); O assassinato a sangue frio, segundo duas testemunhas, foi perpetrado às 14h do dia 6 de dezembro de 2020 na Comunidade Nawahwas, Território Mayangna Sauni Bu, na Reserva da Biosfera de Bosawás.
Community Forest Rights and the Pandemic
India is currently among the most affected countries by COVID19, recording over 6 million cases, by September 30 2020. The pandemic and lockdown measures have had a drastic impact on a large population of poor and marginalisedcommunities, causing loss of livelihoods and employment, food insecurity and socio-economic distress.
Think tank decries global push to privatize land
One of the ugliest features of the modern world is the exploitation of natural resources for private gain irrespective of its consequences for the environment and the larger community, especially the poor majority.
COVID-19: An Alibi for more Oppression, Corporate Control and Destruction of Forests | Bulletin 250 – May/June 2020
This special bulletin wants to pay tribute to the forest communities and peasant families around the world who despite all odds and difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic – including the movement restrictions imposed by governments and the corporate and elite profit-seeking abuses -, have still managed to practice solidarity:
Indonesia inches forward on community forest goal, hobbled by pandemic
JAKARTA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Indonesia has cut back its planned transfer of state forests to local communities this year by half - an area twice the size of Los Angeles - because of the coronavirus outbreak, according to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.
Bambang Supriyanto, the ministry’s director general of social forestry and environmental partnership, said social distancing measures from March to June had halted the technical work needed on the ground to certify the handover of land.
Vozes da Juventude na Amazônia
Seminario Virtual “Experiencias de Monitoreo en Territorios Indígenas en Tiempos de Pandemia”
Martes 2 de junio a hrs. 12.00 (medio día de Nueva York). Se entregarán Certificados. El Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe (FILAC), junto al Foro Indígena de Abya Yala (FIAY) invitan a participar del Seminario Virtual “Experiencias de Monitoreo en Territorios Indígenas en Tiempos de Pandemia”, que tendrá lugar el próximo martes 2 de junio a hrs.
Desmatamento em terras indígenas aumenta 59% na pandemia
La déforestation amazonienne peut favoriser l'émergence de nouveaux virus pour l'être humain
Date: 19/05/2020
Par: Barbara Azaïs
La déforestation du bassin amazonien et la mise à nu de son immense biodiversité pourraient favoriser la transmission de virus et de maladies pour l'Homme.