EGYPT: Socio-Economic and Production Systems (Sohag Governorate)
In preparing an investment project, development strategies and project components are defined and revisited during project formulation through a consultative process that often includes Socio-economic and Production Systems Studies. These studies are conducted to develop an appreciation of the situation in which the intended beneficiaries live, and their perceptions of their problems, needs and priorities.
Alimentación, agricultura y desarrollo agrícola
Esta publicación analiza cuatro situaciones actuales o que están surgiendo en el ámbito de los alimentos, la agricultura y el desarrollo rural. Estos análisis son obra de académicos reconocidos de este campo. La selección de los temas de análisis se hizo a partir de un estudio realizado por el personal de la FAO que trabaja en actividades de asistencia para las políticas en las principales regiones en desarrollo.
Legal Empowerment in Practice. Using Legal Tools to Secure Land Rights in Africa
Land lies at the heart of social, political and economic life in much of rural Africa. It provides a major source of livelihoods, income and employment; a basis for social and political relations; and has major historical, cultural and spiritual significance. In many places, rapid socio-economic changes are undermining the security of land access for poorer and more vulnerable groups – particularly in high-value lands such as peri-urban areas, irrigated schemes and fertile lands.
Food, nutrition and agriculture
Droit et genre
Cette étude propose une analyse de la dimension de genre au sein de la législation relative à l’agriculture et examine le statut juridique des femmes dans trois secteurs clés. Le résultat est une analyse qui identifie les principaux facteurs juridiques et certains facteurs non juridiques ayant une incidence sur l’existence et l’exercice des droits des femmes liés à l’agriculture.
Human resources in agricultural and rural development
Modules sur le genre, la population et le developpement rural avec un interet particulier pour les regimes fonciers et les systemes d exploitation agr
Hills leasehold forestry and forage development project, Nepal. report on gender
The Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project provides scope for addressing the need to integrate women into the mainstream of the project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The project which is in its second year of implementation, realised the need to undertake a critical analysis of the project in its various aspects from a gender perspective. Subsequently an independent consultant was hired accordingly for a duration of three months. This report contains the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the consultant in this regard.