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Land tenure policy and practice in Zambia: issues relating to the development of the agricultural sector

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2003

A comprehensive review covering stages in the development of Zambia’s land policy; land administration – customary land and leasehold tenure; land titling; current land policy consultation process; outstanding land policy issues – alienation of customary land, land market issues, problems faced by the poor in securing land rights, legal framework; development aid for the land sector in Zambia and possible DFID support.

Protecting Community Lands and Resources. Evidence from Liberia, Mozambique and Uganda (Executive Summary)

Reports & Research
Juin, 2012

A community land titling initiative designed to protect community lands from land grabbing. Supported communities in Liberia, Mozambique and Uganda to follow their countries’ community land registration laws. Sought to understand what type and level of support was most effective. Concludes that community land documentation may be a more efficient method of land protection that individual and family titling, and should be prioritized in the short term.

Improving Tenure Security for the Poor in Africa

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2006

The first of 7 Working Papers presented at an FAO regional technical workshop for sub-Saharan Africa on legal empowerment of the poor (LEP) in Nakuru, Kenya, in October 2006. Divided into 7 issues: land markets, individualised land tenure, and land titling; pluralism; informal settlements in urban and peri-urban areas; gender; decentralisation and institutional development; pastoralism; dispute settlement. Each issue is examined through four dimensions: the international, the colonial, the national, and the social.

Land Reform: still a Goal worth Pursuing for Rural Women?

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2001

Asks whether land reform is still a goal worth pursuing for rural women. Includes gender and land reform; changing livelihoods and de-agrarianisation; insecurities; land tenure and land titling; limitations to land; arguments for landholding; a few policy and practical initiatives; conflicts over land and property. Concludes that, despite all the problems outlined, land reform for rural women is worth pursuing since, among other things, it would lessen the risks of hunger and malnutrition and also provide links to rights in other spheres.

Títulos y derechos coloniales a la tierra en los pueblos de indios de Córdoba: una aproximación desde las fuentes del siglo XIX

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2017

El proceso de formación y transformación de los recortados “derechos” coloniales a tierras de los indígenas sujetos a dominio colonial es un tema desigualmente conocido en los territorios que integraron la gobernación del Tucumán casi hasta fines del siglo XVIII. Córdoba, en particular, es una de las áreas en las que aún no se ha trabajado en profundidad ni con la misma intensidad para todos los períodos, aún cuando se dispone de un notable acervo documental para seguir procesos de larga duración y compararlos con los de otras regiones.


Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2015

Con la anexión de las provincias de Arica y Tarapacá a Chile, los aymaras del altiplano debieron inscribir el dominio de sus tierras en los archivos conservadores de la propiedad, de acuerdo con el sistema jurídico del país, situación que otorga a estos registros documentales un papel importante como repositorio objetivo de un momento importante en la historia indígena regional y nacional. Los antecedentes que se exponen señalan que este fue un proceso masivo que se materializó en pocas décadas que terminó con la mayoría de las propiedades inscritas.

Does land titling matter? The role of land property rights in Colombia’s war on drugs

Janvier, 2018

The ‘war on drugs’ has failed. Despite an increase in law enforcement, production levels of coca – the crop used to make cocaine – have hardly altered in the last decade.A 2017 report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime found that coca cultivation in Colombia had increased by 52 per cent; thus, there is an urgent need to find alternative policies to counter illicit behaviour.

Land tenure and land management in the districts around Mount Elgon: an assessment presented to Mount Elgon Regional Ecosystem Conservation Programme (MERECP)

Décembre, 2006
Afrique sub-saharienne

This working paper reviews historical and current factors and patterns affecting land use, land tenure, resource access, human settlement, and conflicts over resource access and tenure in the districts around Mt. Elgon in Kenya and Uganda. The paper draws on a series of interviews conducted with government officials in the districts along with other support sources such as paper maps and existing GIS databases.Based on this approach, the common findings from this study in the current setting of land tenure and land management are: