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There are 781 content items of different types and languages related to militants du droit à la terre on the Land Portal.
Displaying 13 - 24 of 38

Independent Review of Land Issues, Volume III, 2006-2007, Eastern and Southern Africa

Reports & Research
Juin, 2007

This review of land issues in twenty countries in Southern and Eastern Africa is the third since 2004. The idea of conducting a regular review arose in an informal meeting of land rights activists in Pretoria in 2003 concerned about the seeming lack of progress with land reform in the region and what might be done to improve land rights delivery. It was recognised that there was a lack of systematic information as to what was actually happening and the need to track the progress of the various national programmes underway, as well as monitor land rights under serious threat.

Midcourse Manoeuvres: Community Strategies and Remedies for Natural Resource Conflicts in India

Reports & Research
Mai, 2018

Successive governments in India have emphasized the need for industrial expansion and privatization as the foundation for economic stability and growth. This focus has led to the policy-induced transformation of rural and peri-urban landscapes into use for industry and infrastructure. These transformations have caused social conflicts and ecological impacts for land and resource-dependent people.

Attacks and criminalization of Indigenous Peoples defending their lands and rights

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2018

The Secretariat has the honour to present to the Human Rights Council the report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, prepared pursuant to Council resolution 33/12. In the report the Special Rapporteur briefly refers to the activities undertaken since the submission of her last report, provides a thematic study on attacks against and the criminalization of indigenous human rights defenders and reflects on available prevention and protection measures. She concludes with recommendations on how various stakeholders can prevent violations and improve protection.

Annual Report on Human Rights Defenders at Risk in 2017

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2017

As human rights defenders around the world put their lives on the line to challenge dictators, destructive multi-national corporations, religious conservatives, and oppressive regimes, there pervades a well-resourced and coordinated strategy of defamation, criminalisation and violence deployed to intimidate, marginalise and silence peaceful, powerful activists. The human cost has been high. More than 300 human rights defenders were murdered in 2017. Yet, in spite of this violence, there are more HRDs, working on more issues, in more countries, than ever before.

Argumentos para fortalecer la propiedad colectiva de la tierra en Sudamérica

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2016
Amérique du Sud

La paz, Bolivia
30 de noviembre del 2016
Argumentos para fortalecer la propiedad colectiva de la tierra en Sudamérica
Juan Pablo Chumacero R.
Economista, con especialización en estudios latinoamericanos. Ha trabajado durante 14 años en la Fundación TIERRA, siendo su Director Ejecutivo entre 2012 y 2014. Actualmente trabaja como investigador en el IPDRS.

Fiesta de la semilla “Muyu Raymi”: Agrobiodiversidad, mujeres e identidad

Policy Papers & Briefs
Février, 2017

Este ensayo tiene como propósito principal dar a conocer la relevancia de la festividad del Muyu Raymi, una iniciativa de resiliencia agrícola. Para ello, en un primer momento, se hará una breve contextualización que permitirá entender la fiesta en el marco de una realidad climática, social y política particular. Luego, se describirá el Muyu Raymi enfocando tres ejes fundamentales: la agrobiodiversidad, las mujeres y la identidad. Este ensayo se nutre de conversaciones, opiniones y experiencias vividas en el marco del Muyu Raymi que se llevó acabo el 13 de agosto del 2016.

LAND: Trends in land governance 2015-2018

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2018
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

This report reviews trends since the GLF in Dakar in May 2015 to the GLF in Bandung in September 2018. It draws on 21 submissions from 18 ILC members and three ILC initiatives, covering a total of 30 countries across different continents. The submissions were made in response to an open call issued by the ILC Secretariat in March 2018. They provided insights about some of the issues that members are grappling with.

The risks of defending human rights

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2016
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Oxfam is deeply concerned about the worsening levels of violence, murder and repression against the men and women defending human rights in Latin America. This situation is linked to an economic model that fosters extreme inequality and has a negative impact on people’s basic rights.

It is the result of harassment entrenched in a patriarchal culture, and governments' failure to fulfil their human rights obligations –and the influence of powerful groups on governments that limits their role as guarantors of human rights for their citizens.

Mekong Land Research Forum: Annual country reviews 2018-19

Policy Papers & Briefs
Janvier, 2019
Viet Nam

The Annual Country Reviews reflect upon current land issues in the Mekong Region, and has been produced for researchers, practitioners and policy advocates operating in the field. Specialists have been selected from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam to briefly answer the following two questions:

1. What are the most pressing issues involving land governance in your country?

2. What are the most important issues for the researcher on land?

MEMÓRIA IV ENCONTRO "Compartilhando experiências, construindo novos horizontes" (2016)

Conference Papers & Reports
Février, 2017

Entre os dias 14 e 16 de setembro de 2016, foi realizado o IVº Encontro Internacional pela Terra e Território, no Casarão do Vale do Guapiaçu, Serra Queimada, município de Cachoeiras de Macacu, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil, promovido pelo Laboratório de Estudos sobre Movimentos Sociais e Territorialidades da Universidade Federal Fluminense e o Instituto para o Desenvolvimento Rural da América do Sul.

Enfoques de género y prácticas de las mujeres rurales en Sudamérica

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juillet, 2017

En este documento se repasan algunos textos recientemente producidos en el ámbito del ‘género para el desarrollo’ que abordan la problemática de las mujeres rurales en el acceso a la tierra, y además, la autora plantea algunas reflexiones en relación con el trabajo que viene realizando el Movimiento Regional por la Tierra y Territorio en su búsqueda de casos inspiradores de acceso a la tierra y territorio con mujeres como protagonistas.