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Arrêté du Gouvernement wallon portant exécution du décret du 20 octobre 2016 limitant les fermages.

Novembre, 2016

Le présent arrêté du Gouvernement wallon porte exécution du décret du 20 octobre 2016 limitant les fermages. Notamment, l’article 2 établit que pour l'application de l'article 2, paragraphe 1er, du décret susvisé, le Ministre calcule la moyenne des coefficients des fermages des provinces pour chaque région agricole, en vigueur au 1er janvier 2016, pondérée en fonction des surfaces agricoles utiles de chacune de ces provinces. Les surfaces agricoles utiles visées à l'alinéa 1er sont établies sur base des demandes uniques de l'année précédant l'entrée en vigueur du présent arrêté.

Law No. 1067-VIII amending Law No. 973-IV on farming.

Mars, 2016

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Farming shall be considered entrepreneurial activity performed by natural persons in the sphere of production of agricultural commodities, processing and trade thereof, with a view of generating income, on plots of land transferred thereto in ownership, tenancy and lease for farming and production of agricultural commodities, individual peasant farming, in accordance with the provisions of acting legislation”.

European Union (Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations 2017 (S.I. No. 605 of 2017).

Décembre, 2017

These Regulations give effect to Ireland's 4th Nitrates Action Programme, and provide statutory support for good agricultural practice to protect waters against pollution from agricultural sources and include measures such as periods when land application of fertilisers is prohibited, limits on the land application of fertilisers, storage requirements for livestock manure, and monitoring of the effectiveness of the measures in terms of agricultural practice and impact on water quality.

Programa de Gobierno Michelle Bachelet 2014-2018.

National Policies
Septembre, 2013

Este Programa de Gobierno Michelle Bachelet 2014-2018, al abordar las desigualdades que hay en el país y al realizar una reforma estructural en la educación, busca también generar las condiciones para mantener el crecimiento económico. Este es el primer paso para asegurar una economía más competitiva, con una mayor productividad y más innovadora. La realidad chilena impone la necesidad de una Nueva Agenda de Género basada en los derechos, igualdad y autonomía de las mujeres, impulsada por una institucionalidad renovada y de mayor rango.

Regional Law No. 74 “On allotment of land plots to multi-child families”.

Novembre, 2011
Fédération de Russie

This Regional Law sets forth the modalities of allotment in ownership by purchase or free of charge of plots of land pertaining to public and municipal property to multi-child families, and also establishes minimum and maximum land areas of the aforesaid plots of land. Multi-child family shall be considered family with three or more children less than 18 years of age. The aforesaid plots of land in inhabited areas shall be allotted for housing construction and subsistence family farming. Allotment of the aforesaid plots of land shall be performed once-only.

Stratégie de Relance de la Production Agricole - Plan d’Actions d’Urgence, Période 2008-2010.

National Policies
Juin, 2008

Le présent document de Stratégie de Relance de la Production Agricole-Plan d’Actions d’Urgence, Période 2008-2010 constitue un cadre de référence pour la mise en oeuvre des actions qui ont pour objectif d’améliorer la productivité agricole et le revenu des producteurs, d’assurer la sécurité alimentaire, ainsi que de faire de ces secteurs un vrai secteur qui contribue au développement économique du pays en luttant efficacement contre la pauvreté. La Stratégie est organisée en trois Parties.

Decreto Nº 3.609 - Programa de riego y recuperación de tierras degradadas (Libro III, Título XXI del Texto Unificado de la Legislación Secundaria del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería).

Mars, 2003

El presente Decreto crea el Programa de riego y recuperación de tierras degradadas, adscrito al Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG), cuyos objetivos son el fortalecimiento e inversión en los siguientes ámbitos: 1) Optimización de uso del agua, especialmente la destinada para riego; 2) Reactivación de las economías de los pequeños agricultores; 3) Generación de empleo; 4) Garantizar la seguridad alimentaria interna del país; 5) Lograr mayor estabilidad socioeconómica en las zonas rurales, disminuyendo el crecimiento acelerado de los centros urbanos; y, 6) Armonizar el desarrollo urba

General Part of the Civil Code Act (2002)

Mars, 2002

The Act provides for the general principles of civil law of Estonia. Notably, it defines the concepts of movable and immovable property defining the latter as a delimited part of land (plot of land). The essential parts of an immovable are the things permanently attached to it, such as buildings, standing crop, other vegetation and unharvested fruit.

Action Programme for the protection of waters from pollution caused by nitrates of agricultural origin.

Janvier, 2013

This publication, with the aim of protecting the national based waters from pollution caused by nitrates of agricultural origin and in order to achieve a good state of water bodies of surface and groundwaters and preventing deterioration of already reached status of water bodies in terms of percentage of pollution of agricultural origin nitrates, here stipulates the updated version of the official Croatian Action Programme for the protection of waters from pollution caused by nitrates of agricultural origin.The Annex is also part of this publication (containing several specific technical an

National Water Plan 2016-2021.

National Policies
Décembre, 2015

This National Water Plan provides the broad outlines, principles and direction of the national water policy of the Netherlands for the 2016-2021 planning period, with a projection towards 2050. It also concerns related aspects of spatial policy. The National Water Plan lays down the central government’s strategic goals for water management. The Management and Development Plan for the National Waters by Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) outlines the conditions and measures for operational management to achieve these strategic goals.

National Environment (Mountainous and Hilly Areas Management) Regulations, 2000 (No. 3 of 2000).

Décembre, 1999

These Regulations shall regulate the sustainable utilisation and conservation of resources in mountainous and hilly areas by and for the benefit of the people and communities living in the area and promote the integration of wise use of resources in mountainous and hilly areas into the local and national management of natural resources for socio-economic development. Principles of use of sloping land are laid down in article 4. A District Environment Committee may establish a sub-committee on soil conservation pursuant to article 5.

Acuerdo Nº 28 - Fija reglas especiales en cuanto a las extensiones y condiciones de adjudicación de baldíos.

Août, 2017

El presente Acuerdo de la Agencia Nacional de Tierras (ANT), tiene por objeto establecer las condiciones de explotación económica de terrenos baldíos que hagan procedente su adjudicación a través de esquemas o contratos de explotación que faciliten dicha explotación, cuando el sujeto de reforma agraria no tenga posibilidades de desarrollarla solo.