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Tea Control Act.

Sri Lanka
Asie méridionale

The Tea Controller appointed under this Act shall maintain under section 2 registers of estates and a register of smallholdings for purposes of this Act. Section 6 provides for the registration of tea manufacturers. No person shall manufacture made tea except in a registered factory (sect. 9). Section 11A requires tea planters and manufacturers of made tea to observe "required standards" established by the Controller. Section 11 C lists all matters to be taken into consideration by the Controller in determining require standards.

Agricultural Land Settlement (Permit Terms and Conditions) Regulations, 2014 (S.I. No. 53 of 2014).

Afrique orientale

These Regulations of the Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement made under section 39, as read with section 7(a), of the Agricultural Land Settlement Act, concern the conditions and procedures for the issuing of Agricultural Land Settlement Permit. Every permit is issued subject to the terms and conditions specified in these Regulations. The Regulations also set out the rights and obligations of permit holders.

Plan Estratégico Económico y Social (PEES) 2008-2013.

National Policies
Amérique du Sud

El Plan Estratégico Económico y Social es un instrumento de planificación de alcance nacional, a ser implementado en el período 2008-2013, que constituye una hoja de ruta que busca el crecimiento económico con inclusión social del país. El objetivo principal del Plan es mejorar las condiciones de vida de todos los habitantes del país, sin exclusiones.

Resolución Nº 17 - Criterios metodológicos para determinar la Unidad Agrícola Familiar en terrenos baldíos.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Resolución adopta los criterios metodológicos para determinar la Unidad Agrícola Familiar en terrenos baldíos por zonas relativamente homogéneas adjudicables en los municipios situados en las áreas de influencia de las respectivas Gerencias Regionales.

Farms Act (No. 769 of 1994).

Europe septentrionale

The scope of this Act is to protect and develop cultivation of arable lands with specific regard to requirements of environment protection and to safeguard and enhance profitable farming.Agricultural properties shall be subject to conditions of farming as specified in the present Act. Agricultural properties shall be real property registered as such in the register ("matrikle"). The Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries may undertake the classification of agricultural land for purposes of registration and use.

Decree No. 16/87 approving the Regulation of Land Act.

Afrique orientale

This Decree approves the Regulation of Land Act; right of use and conditions for exploiting public lands. It consists of 16 chapters and 2 annexes divided as follows: Definition of different lands and land uses (Chap. 1); Requirements for obtaining land use authorization (2); Competencies of entitled authorities (3); Rights and obligations (4-9); Protection areas (10); Family land exploitation (11); Registration (12-14); Sanctions (15); Final provisions (16). Annexes list model forms for requesting a land use concession.

Acuerdo Nº 136 - Excepciones a la regla general que dispone la titulación de los terrenos baldíos.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Acuerdo establece excepciones a la regla general que dispone la titulación de los terrenos baldíos de la nación en unidades agrícolas familiares, y los requisitos para su adjudicación.

Implementa: Ley Nº 1.152 - Dicta el Estatuto de Desarrollo Rural y reforma el Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo Rural (INCODER). (2007-07-25)

Regulation relating to the Law on Assignment of Wasteland and Productive Land.

Asie occidentale
Asie méridionale

After the Revolution, in 1979, the Government authorized farmers to temporarily farm in some abandoned lands. The Regulation, which consists of 31 articles, aims to transfer the ownership of these lands to the farmers in return of monthly installment of the land’s actual value. Accordingly, the Regulation provides details of the process to grant ownership. The eligible farmers to receive ownership, as well as the actual price of each land, should be determined by a specified committee.

Act No. CXVI of 2001 on the National Land Fund.

Europe orientale

This Act establishes the National Land Fund with the purpose of: a reasonable management of state-owned arable lands, promoting ecological agricultural production and economic efficiency, and creating a modern landed property structure based on family farms. Property rights in regard of the Fund are exercised by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. He has to report annually to the Parliament on the situation of the Fund and of the managing organization.

Nitrate Sensitive Areas (Amendment) Regulations 1995 (S.I. No. 1708 of 1995).

Europe septentrionale

The principal Regulations allow the Minister of Agriculture to make payments of aid to farmers in nitrate sensitive areas who undertake to manage their land in accordance with a "basic scheme", "a premium arable scheme" or a "premium grass scheme". These Regulations add areas covered by a now repealed Order (S.I. 1990/1187) to the list of nitrate sensitive areas. Furthermore they expand the criteria of eligibility of land for aid which was included in the 1990 Order.