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Land Acquisition, Investment, and Development in the Lao Coffee Sector: Successes and Failures

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

Despite the increasing acknowledgment of scholars and practitioners that many large-scale agricultural land acquisitions in developing countries fail or never materialize, empirical evidence about how and why they fail to date is still scarce. Too often, land deals are portrayed as straightforward investments and their success is taken for granted. Looking at the coffee sector in Laos, the authors of this article explore dimensions of the land grab debate that have not yet been sufficiently examined.

Scenarios of land system change in the Lao PDR: Transitions in response to alternative demands on goods and services provided by the land

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

Sudden and gradual land use changes can result in different socio-ecological systems, sometimes referred to as regime shifts. The Lao PDR (Laos) has been reported to show early signs of such regime shifts in land systems with potentially major socio-ecological implications. However, given the complex mosaic of different land systems, including shifting cultivation, such changes are not easily assessed using traditional land cover data. Moreover, regime shifts in land systems are difficult to simulate with traditional land cover modelling approaches.

Fluid dynamics: Water, knowledge, and power in the Mekong Delta

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2014
Viet Nam

ABSTRACTED FROM THE FIRST TWO PARAGRAPHS: Over the past several years, the enormity of the environmental challenges facing the Mekong River Delta region of southern Vietnam has become increasingly clear. Climate change and dam construction on the upper reaches of the Mekong threaten to disrupt the flow of the river, making both droughts and floods ever more common. Meanwhile, the rapid intensification of rice agriculture in the Mekong Delta and the export-oriented cultivation of farmed fish and shrimp have increasingly strained.

Agrarian transformation in Vietnam: land reform, markets and poverty

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2009
Viet Nam

ABSTRACTED FROM INTRODUCTION: This paper traces the implications of key agrarian transformations −particularly the reforms in land policy and emerging land relations− for livelihood security and vulnerability. Part of a broader societal transformation and globalization of economies, these new development trajectories include commercialization of farmers’ produce, contract farming, cooperative sector reform, rising landlessness and tenant farming, and the end of exclusive dependence on land for earning a living.

Crop choice, farm income, and political control in Myanmar

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2008

Myanmar's agricultural economy has been under transition from a planned to a market system since the late 1980s and has experienced a substantial increase in production. However, little research is available on the impact of economic policies in this country on agricultural production decisions and rural incomes. Therefore, this paper investigates the impact using a micro dataset collected in 2001 and covering more than 500 households in eight villages with diverse agro-ecological environments.

The effects of land tenure policy on rural livelihoods and food sufficiency in the upland village of Que, North Central Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2007
Viet Nam

The paper documents how the implementation of the land tenure policy of the Vietnamese government has affected the agricultural system, livelihood strategies and food self-sufficiency of Thai farmers in a remote upland village, Que, in Nghe An Province, North Central Vietnam. It is shown that the enforcement of restrictions on the area under swidden agriculture has resulted in a strong reduction of swidden agriculture production and shortened fallow periods, not compensated for by the slow increase in paddy rice production.

Owner or tenant: Who adopts better soil conservation practices?

Peer-reviewed publication
Août, 2015
République tchèque

Land tenure security is widely considered to be a fundamental factor in motivating farmers to adopt sustainable land management practices. This study aims to establish whether it is true that owner-operators adopt more effective soil conservation measures than tenant-operators, and whether well-designed agro-environmental instruments can provide sufficiently strong motivation to compensate for the differences between these two groups.

Triangulation in participation: Dynamic approaches for science-practice interaction in land-use decision making in rural China

Peer-reviewed publication
Février, 2018
Fédération de Russie
États-Unis d'Amérique

Land use decision making requires knowledge integration from a wide range of stakeholders across science and practice. Many participatory methods and instruments aiming at such science-practice interaction have been developed during the last decades. However, there are methodological challenges, and little evidence neither about the methodological applicability and practicability under diverse socio-political conditions nor about their dynamics. The objective of this paper is to offer some insights on the design and implementation of reasonable science-practice interaction.

Classification of farmland ownership fragmentation as a cause of land degradation: A review on typology, consequences, and remedies

Peer-reviewed publication
Octobre, 2016
États-Unis d'Amérique

Farmland ownership fragmentation is one of the important drivers of land-use changes. It is a process that in its extreme form can essentially limit land management sustainability. Based on a typology of land degradation and its causes, this process is here classified for the first time as an underlying cause which through tenure insecurity causes land degradation in five types (water erosion, wind erosion, soil compaction, reduction of organic matter, and nutrient depletion).

Guide pour la déclinaison du SRADDET dans les Plans Climat Air Energie Territorial (PCAET)

Reports & Research
Mars, 2021

Un guide pour faciliter la déclinaison du SRADDET dans les Plans Climat Air Energie Territorial (PCAET)

L’approbation du Schéma Régional d’Aménagement, de Développement Durable et d’Égalité des Territoires (SRADDET) de la Région SUD, le 15 octobre 2019, marque une étape décisive en actant la stratégie régionale d’aménagement à horizon 2030 / 2050.

La réussite de ce projet collectif passe par sa mise en œuvre, notamment à travers sa déclinaison dans les documents de planification et de programmation locaux.

Une écologie de l’alimentation

Journal Articles & Books
Peer-reviewed publication
Octobre, 2021

Repenser nos alimentations, c’est repenser nos sociétés. Car partager un repas et même faire ses courses sont des moyens de se relier aux autres. La façon de nous nourrir construit notre santé. Nos modes de production agricole façonnent nos paysages et définissent notre place dans la nature. Gérer des ressources pour produire, pour transformer et pour distribuer les aliments fonde nos économies. Nos registres du comestible, nos cuisines et nos manières de table racontent nos cultures.

Bulletin d’information bimestriel de l’Observatoire Régional du Foncier Rural en Afrique de l’Ouest (ORFAO) #2

Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2022
Afrique occidentale

Ce 2ème numéro du bulletin d’information bimestriel de l’ORFAO revient sur les rubriques principales dudit bulletin allant de l’actualité foncière dans les Etats membres aux contributions faites par les acteurs du foncier.

Ce numéro met également l’accent sur les institutions du foncier rural, notamment la dynamique d’émergence d’observatoires nationaux du foncier dans les Etats membres.