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Restitution and Legal Pluralism in Contexts of Displacement

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2012

...This paper examines the value and limitations of HLP restitution in contexts of customary land tenure
and legal pluralism and examines the role that customary justice can play as part of a transitional
justice process. It argues that actors involved with restitution and broader efforts to reinstate justice,
the rule of law, and democracy in post-conflict and transitional contexts should engage, albeit under
certain conditions, with nonstate justice mechanisms. For the overwhelming majority of populations

Burning Homes, Sinking Lives - A situation report on violence against stateless Rohingya in Myanmar and their refoulement from Bangladesh

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2012

...this report documents the severity of the human rights abuses suffered by Rohingya within Myanmar – including mass violence, killings and attacks, the burning and destruction of property, arbitrary arrests, detention and disappearances, the deprivation of emergency healthcare and humanitarian aid. Such human rights abuses are being carried out with impunity by civilians and agents of the state alike. The organised and widespread nature of this state sponsored violence raises serious questions of crimes against humanity being committed by Myanmar.

Food security and land governance factsheet

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Juin, 2012

In Kenya, insecure land tenure and inequitable access to land and natural resources have contributed to conflict and violence, which has in return exacerbated food insecurity. Most farmers in Kenya have no legal title for the land on which they farm. Sources of tenure insecurity can be ethnic conflicts over land between neighbouring communities, particularly in the Northern provinces, expropriation by the state or local government and land grabbing by local elite or companies. Competition is as well growing over water, especially over groundwater, which is scarce in Kenya.

Myanmar: Displacement in Rakhine State. Situation Report No. 3 (28 June 2012)

Reports & Research
Juin, 2012

"• The overall security situation is reported to be stable. Emergency rule and curfew remain in
place in six Townships across Rakhine State.
• According to official figures, 78 people are dead, 87 injured and 3,000 residential buildings are
damaged as of 24 June. Over 52,200 people remained newly displaced across Rakhine State.
Humanitarian partners estimate that around 90,000 people are affected, including the newly
displaced people.

Myanmar: Displacement in Rakhine State. Situation Report No. 2 (20 June 2012)

Reports & Research
Juin, 2012

"• According to official Government statistics dated 18 June, over 52,200 people have been
displaced and are accommodated in 66 camps/villages. Unofficial estimates indicated that
80,000 to 90,000 people have been affected.
• The Government has requested the RC/HC and humanitarian partners to support its response
efforts. Humanitarian assistance delivery is ongoing. It includes food, medical, water and
sanitation interventions. Food distribution that reached some 82,000 people as of 19 June.

Myanmar: Displacement in Rakhine State. Situation Report No. 1 (15 June 2012)

Reports & Research
Juin, 2012

"• Instability in Rakhine State that started since 28 May has resulted in displacement of over
36,000 people who are now located in 43 camps/locations, loss of lives and damages to houses
and communal buildings. This is an initial estimate which will need to be revised as more
information becomes available and assessment are carried out.
• The violence prompted the Government to impose curfew in six locations and declare the state
of emergency on 10 June across the State.

Pa'an Interview: Saw Bw---, September 2011

Reports & Research
Juin, 2012

This report contains the full transcript of an interview conducted during September 2011 in Lu Pleh Township, Pa'an District by a community member trained by KHRG to monitor human rights conditions. The community member interviewed Saw Bw---, a 25-year-old logger from Eg--- village, who described events that occurred while he was carrying out logging work between the villages of A--- and S---.

Land Law Reform : Achieving Development Policy Objectives

Juin, 2012

This book examines issues at the
forefront of the debate on land law reform, pays particular
attention to how reform options affect the poor and
disadvantaged, and recommends strategies for alleviating
poverty more effectively through land law reform. It reviews
the role of the World Bank in land law reform, examining
issues of process as well as substance. It also identifies
key challenges and directions, and stresses the need to

Peru : Impact of the Rural Roads Program on Democracy and Citizenship in Rural Areas

Juin, 2012

The rural roads program, overseen by
Provias Descentralizado (subdivision of Peru's Ministry
of Transportation and Communications), began in 1995, and
has received funds from the Peruvian Government, the World
Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank. It is a
national program for the rehabilitation and maintenance of
roads that link rural communities and villages with
secondary and principal roads, and through these, with towns

Mexico 2006-2012 : Creating the Foundations for Equitable Growth

Juin, 2012

The chapters, or "policy
notes," of this report, creating the foundations for
equitable growth in Mexico 2006-2012, are dedicated to
trying to solve parts of the puzzle as to why Mexico's
level of economic development has failed to approach the
level of its NAFTA trading partners, or the level of a
typical OECD member state. Each chapter of this new report
uses the 2000 policy notes as a reference. In this report,