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Spatial Development and Agglomeration Economies in Services--Lessons from India

Juillet, 2016

Although many studies consider the
spatial pattern of manufacturing plants in developing
countries, the role of services as a driver of urbanization
and structural transformation is still not well understood.
Using establishment level data from India, this paper helps
narrow this gap by comparing and contrasting the spatial
development of services with that in manufacturing. The
study during the 2001-2010 period suggests that (i) services

On the Central Role of Small Farms in African Rural Development Strategies

Juillet, 2016

Improving the productivity of
smallholder farms in Sub-Saharan Africa offers the best
chance to reduce poverty among this generation of rural
poor, by building on the limited resources farming
households already possess. It is also the best and shortest
path to meet rising food needs. Using examples from
farmers' maize and rice fields, and comparisons with
Asia, this paper examines why the set of technologies

MEMORIA Tipnis: En nuestra Casa Grande El Camino es el Río Presentación del caso 90 del Movimiento Regional por la Tierra y Territorio

Institutional & promotional materials
Juin, 2016

Presentación del caso 90 del Movimiento Regional por la Tierra y el Territorio expresado en el documental El camino es el río, de Producciones Cinematográficas Huayrurito. La actividad tuvo la participación de Oscar Bazoberry, coordinador del IPDRS, y del antropólogo Xavier Albó.

Regional Patterns of Ecosystem Services in Cultural Landscapes

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2016

European agricultural landscapes have been shaped by humans to produce marketable private goods such as food, feed, fiber and timber. Land-use intensification to increase provisioning services in such productive landscapes alters the capacity of ecosystems to supply other services (often public goods and services) that are also vital for human wellbeing. However, the interactions, synergies and trade-offs among ecosystem services are poorly understood.

Land Sector Reforms in Ghana, Kenya and Vietnam: A Comparative Analysis of Their Effectiveness

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2016

The notion that the formal titling and individualization of land rights in developing countries lead to higher investments in land and agricultural productivity holds sway in academic and development circles. In this paper, this notion is analyzed based on a comparative study of land reform programs and their implications for access to land, credit, and agricultural investments in Ghana, Kenya, and Vietnam. It focuses on how different access routes to land influence access to credit, and the transaction costs of land reform programs for agricultural investments.

When investors come knocking: ensuring African women have a say

Reports & Research
Juin, 2016

In much of sub-Saharan Africa, women have little say in decisions over land. Unless proactive steps are taken to enable women to have a stronger voice, large-scale agribusiness projects will leave them even more marginalised. Though there has been little research in this area, an emerging body of thinking and practice provides clear pointers as to how governments, NGOs and investors might mitigate such risks in future, particularly by explicitly addressing gender issues head-on from the very outset.

Land investments, accountability and the law: Lessons from West Africa

Reports & Research
Juin, 2016

The recent wave of land deals for agribusiness investments has highlighted the widespread demand for greater accountability in the governance of land and investment. Legal frameworks influence opportunities for accountability, and recourse to law has featured prominently in grassroots responses to the land deals. Drawing on comparative socio-legal research in Cameroon, Ghana and Senegal, this report explores how the law enables, or constrains, accountability in investment processes.

Markets, Contracts, and Uncertainty in a Groundwater Economy

Juin, 2016

Groundwater is a vital yet threatened
resource in much of South Asia. This paper develops a model
of groundwater transactions under payoff uncertainty arising
from unpredictable fluctuations in groundwater availability
during the agricultural dry season. The model highlights the
trade-off between the ex post inefficiency of long-term
contracts and the ex ante inefficiency of spot contracts.
The structural parameters are estimated using detailed

Are Gender Differences in Performance Innate or Socially Mediated?

Juin, 2016

To explain persistent gender gaps in
market outcomes, a lab experimental literature explores
whether women and men have innate differences in ability (or
attitudes or preferences), and a separate field-based
literature studies discrimination against women in market
settings. This paper posits that even if women have
comparable innate ability, their relative performance may
suffer in the market if the task requires them to interact

The Impact of a Community Development and Poverty Reduction Program on Early Childhood Development in Morocco

Juin, 2016

Participatory community development
programs are designed to match government investments with
local needs. In Morocco, where issues of inequality and
poverty are high on the national agenda, a community
development program, the National Initiative for Human
Development, targeted high-poverty areas for additional
investments. This paper examines whether, in addition to
reducing poverty, such programs can also promote human