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Climate Research for Development in Africa CR4D : Advancing new frontiers of climate research to enhancing co-production of climate information and services for sustainable development planning in Africa

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2015

This document focuses on the Side event COP21: Climate Research for Development in Africa (CR4D). CR4D is an African-led initiative supported by partnership and leadership of African Climate Policy Center (ACPC) of UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and Global Frame-work for Climate Services (GFCS). ACPC hosts CR4D Secretariat

Enjeux fonciers en milieu rural, conflits civils et développement

Institutional & promotional materials
Décembre, 2015
République démocratique du Congo
Afrique sub-saharienne

Cette journée de réflexion a été consacrée à la place de l’enjeu foncier en milieu rural dans les conflits civils contemporains dans les pays en développement. Elle a mobilisé le réseau élargi du Comité, avec plus d’une cinquantaine d’experts, de chercheurs et de décideurs venus contribuer au débat. Jean-Pierre Chauveau et Éric Léonard de l’IRD-Pôle foncier de Montpellier ont assuré le cadrage général et l’identification des principaux intervenants.[…]

Une action publique éclatée ? Production et institutionnalisation de l’action publique dans les secteurs de l’eau potable et du foncier (APPI) – Burkina Faso, Niger, Bénin

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015
Burkina Faso
Afrique occidentale

Ce document constitue les actes du Colloque de restitution du programme de recherche APPI « Une action publique éclatée ? » organisé en décembre 2014. L’objectif du projet, mené dans le cadre de l’ANR les Suds II, est de comprendre comment, dans des pays africains dépendants de l’aide, se construit et se met en oeuvre l’action publique. Il a mobilisé les concepts et méthodes issus de plusieurs courants d’analyse tels que les sciences politiques, la socio-anthropologie du développement et l’économie institutionnelle, avec un souci d’empirisme.

Hub-Periphery Development Pattern and Inclusive Growth

Décembre, 2015

The hub-periphery development pattern of
the Guangdong economy, to some extent, is a miniature of
that of the Chinese economy. The Pearl River Delta, drawing
from its first-nature comparative advantages in factor
endowments and proximity to Hong Kong SAR, China, and Macau
SAR, China, and the second-nature advantages as first-movers
in the reforms in attracting and retaining domestic and
foreign resources, has developed into a regional economic

Early Insights from Financial Diaries of Smallholder Households

Décembre, 2015

Renato and Hecinta are raising six young
children in a rural area of Mozambique’s northern Nampula
Province. On just half a hectare, they grow rice, maize,
beans, cashew, peanuts, cabbage, and tomatoes, selling what
they can and eating the rest. But, like many of the 475
million smallholder household’s worldwide, agricultural
production is just one of their many income-generating
activities. They balance several sources of income, within

Nighttime Lights Revisited

Décembre, 2015

The growing availability of free or
inexpensive satellite imagery has inspired many researchers
to investigate the use of earth observation data for
monitoring economic activity around the world. One of the
most popular earth observation data sets is the so-called
nighttime lights from the Defense Meteorological Satellite
Program. Researchers have found positive correlations
between nighttime lights and several economic variables.

Review, Estimation and Analysis of Agricultural Subsidies in Mongolia

Décembre, 2015

With global food crises and food price volatility in recent years, agricultural subsidies have once
again gained prominence as a policy instrument in many developing countries. In Mongolia too,
subsidies to the agriculture sector mainly through government budgetary transfers, have
increased over time. These gained prominence in 2008 when a global, regional (the drought in
Russia, and Kazakhstan, the two main suppliers to Mongolia), and the national food production

State Lands and Land Laws: A Hand Book

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembre, 2015
Sri Lanka

The state owns over 80% of the land in Sri Lanka. The remainder is owned by private parties. Under the State Lands Encroachments Ordinance, all waste lands, forest lands, unoccupied and uncultivated lands are presumed to belong to the state until the contrary is proved (section 7) and all cinnamon land which have been uninterruptedly possessed by the state for over 30 years are held and deemed to belong to the state (section 6).

Resolving Land Disputes

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2015
Sri Lanka

This manual outlines dispute resolution mechanisms, procedures and strategies that are or will be put in place by the Sri Lanka Ministry of Justice’s Special Mediation Boards (Land) to promote the resolution of a variety of housing, land and property disputes in the country. Sri Lanka has a long history and experience utilizing collaborative resolution methods to address a wide variety of disputes, and many recent positive experiences with mediation.