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The Republic of Yemen : Comprehensive Development Review, Environment

Août, 2013

The review focuses on development and
the environment in Yemen, particularly analyzing the
environment resource base, where renewable fresh water is
scarce, mainly ground water, and its over exploitation is
one of the country's major environmental problems.
Fisheries resources are also important, while oil and gas
are significant resources contributing to some eighty five
percent of Yemen's export revenues. Environmental

Argentina : Water Resources Management Policy Issues and Notes, Volume 3. Thematic Annexes

Août, 2013

The study reviews the challenges water
resources management faces, and the opportunities for policy
formulation towards sustainable development in Argentina,
where regardless of prudent public finances management,
water resources management remain disproportionately
backward compared to regional, and international best
practices. Hence, within a frame of reference on the
country's population, institutions, and legal

Drainage for Gain : Integrated Solutions to Drainage in Land and Water Management

Juillet, 2013

In its drive to meet the United Nations
Millennium Development Goals, the World Bank issued, in
October 2002, new strategies for agricultural and rural
development, and water resources management. These
strategies both identified more and better drainage
investments as important to achieving some of the Millennium
Development Goals, notably poverty reduction and
environmental sustainability. The Bank subsequently

Pakistan - Rural Factor Markets : Policy Reforms for Growth and Equity

Juillet, 2013

Accelerating rural economic growth and
reducing rural poverty requires a comprehensive strategy
built on sound analysis covering all major aspects o f the
rural economy including agricultural output markets, input
markets (seeds, fertilizer, extension), factor markets
(land, water, labor and credit), the rural non- farm
economy, and targeted interventions. This report focuses on
one aspect o f this complex puzzle - rural factor markets.

Lebanon : Policy Note on Irrigation Sector Sustainability

Juillet, 2013

This Policy Note has three main
objectives : a) formulate strategic choices related to the
sustainability of irrigated agriculture in Lebanon. b)
recommend institutional strengthening of water resource
management in the irrigation sector in general, especially
for operations and maintenance (O&M). c) define the
Bank's future involvement in the irrigated agriculture
sector. As demand for domestic, industrial, and agriculture

Enhancing the Role of Women in Water User Associations in Azerbaijan

Avril, 2013

The purpose of this report on enhancing
the role of women in water user associations in Azerbaijan
is to provide guidance for mainstreaming gender in
irrigation management projects in Azerbaijan and in the
wider Caucasus and Central Asian regions in order to foster
efficient and equitable development in irrigation
management. The paper is divided in three chapters. Chapter
one sets the background relating the themes of gender to

Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change: Ethiopia, Volume 2. Annexes

Avril, 2013

The report is part of a broader study,
the Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC), which
has two objectives: (a) to develop a global estimate of
adaptation costs for informing international climate
negotiations; and (b) to help decision makers in developing
countries assess the risks posed by climate change and
design national strategies for adapting to it. This paper is
one of a series of country-level studies, where national

Sri Lanka : Land and Conflict in the North and East

Mars, 2013

This report analyzes land issues in Sri
Lanka, which cannot be seen in isolation from the ethnic and
political conflict and, at the same time, even though land
conflict is often linked with the ethnic conflict in Sri
Lanka, a large number of land conflicts in the North and
East can be resolved prior to a full and national political
solution to the ethnic situation. This report analyzes
constraints and opportunities for an effective governance

A Review of Selected Hydrology Topics to Support Bank Operations

Mars, 2013

The World Bank's 2004 Water
Resources Sector Strategy focused on the need for both water
resources management and development in dealing with growth
and poverty alleviation. Planning and design of new
hydraulic infrastructure for water supply and sanitation,
food production, hydropower generation, flood protection,
ecosystem restoration or other such purposes require dealing
with all elements in the interaction among land, water,

Improving Water Management in Rainfed Agriculture : Issues and Options in Water-Constrained Production Systems

Mars, 2013

Due to climate change and increasing
food prices, emphasis needs to be placed on addressing water
management as a key determinant for agricultural production
and productivity. However, governments and donors have
tended to pay relatively little attention to this area, and
investments remain low. This report, which is based on
economic and sector work carried out in the Water Anchor of
the World Bank, highlights the importance of improving water

Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change : Mozambique, Volume 2. Annexes

Mars, 2013

This report is part of a broader global
study, the Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC),
which has two principal objectives: (a) to develop a global
estimate of adaptation costs for informing international
climate negotiations; and (b) to help decision makers in
developing countries assess the risks posed by climate
change and design national strategies for adapting to it.
The purpose of this study is to assist the Government of

Derecho de acceso al agua y saneamiento: breves notas sobre su actual regulación y jurisprudencia

Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2013

El artículo analiza y sistematiza algunos aspectos de doctrina judicial relativos a los criterios para determinar la relación que existe entre el derecho al agua y saneamiento como derecho humano, los principios y reglas propios que distinguen la prestación de este tipo de servicios públicos, y los conflictos aún irresueltos en torno al efectivo acceso a la defensa judicial de derechos colectivos e intereses individuales homogéneos involucrados.