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Escalating Land Conflicts in Uganda

Reports & Research
Juin, 2009

Includes landlord-tenant relations, the Kibaale land question, pastoralists, gazetted land, IDPs and returnees in Northern Uganda, conflicts about refugee resettlement camps, the impact of oil discoveries, deficits in dispute resolution and land administration, corruption, ignorance of the law.

Palestinian Economic Prospects

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Juin, 2009
Asie occidentale
Afrique septentrionale

In its report to the September 22, 2008 meeting of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC), the World Bank noted that the Palestinian Authority (PA), Israel, and the international donor community made some progress on the three parallel conditions for Palestinian economic revival, albeit to different degrees. The report notes the dramatic impact of Israel s recent three-week offensive in Gaza and analyzes the variety of recovery and reconstruction schemes being explored by the donor community.

La proximité de la justice: Rapport Socio-Juridique sur les Mode de Gestion de Conflits Foncier

Reports & Research
Mai, 2009

Ce rapport, qui s’inscrit dans l’objectif du programme de RCN Justice & De?mocratie «Pour une justice de proximite? », pre?sente les re?sultats d’une e?tude des modes de re?solution de conflits fonciers par les syste?mes judiciaires et pre? judiciaires au Rwanda et propose des mesures pour rapprocher la justice de la population. Deux exemples peuvent servir a? introduire le genre de conflits fonciers typiques au Rwanda et les questions sociales que ces conflits soule?vent.

The Changing Terrain of Land Use Conflicts in Tanzania and the Future of a Small Producer

Conference Papers & Reports
Mai, 2009

Land use conflicts are common phenomena in Tanzania and the world at large. One major reason before going to specific cases hinges on the fact that land does not expand while people and other living organizations that depend on it keeps on increasing on the early surface. This un matching ratio between land as basic resources for livelihoods and its users constantly results into land use conflicts.

Ministerial Policy Statement For Lands, Housing and Urban Development VOTE 012 & 156 FY 2009/10

Legislation & Policies
Mai, 2009

The Ministerial Policy Statement is split in two main sections; Section A, which provides an overview of performance and plans for the Ministry, Central Votes and local governments and Section B, which provides past performance and future plans for each Vote Function in detail, in addition to Cross Cutting and other Budgetary Issues.

• Section A: Ministry and Vote Overview .


Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2009

This analysis and recommendations stem from USAID/Kenya’s request for an assessment of Kenya’s draft National Land Policy (dNLP).4 It was conducted under the global task order: Property Rights and Resource Governance Program, a mechanism designed and supervised by USAID-EGAT’s Land Resources Management Team under the Office of Natural Resources Management.

Alguns Desafios na Indústria Extractiva em Moçambique

Reports & Research
Avril, 2009

Nos últimos anos, a economia moçambicana tem registado desenvolvimentos significativos na área dos recursos minerais e energéticos. Em 2004, iniciou-se a produção e expor tação de gás natural em Pande e Temane, na província de Inhambane. Em 2007 arrancou em Moma, na província de Nampula, a expor tação de minérios produzidos a par tir de areias pesadas. Em 2007, o Governo assinou com a brasileira Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) um contrato mineiro para a exploração de grandes quantidades de carvão de Moatize, na província de Tete.

Fiche Pays

Reports & Research
Mars, 2009

Le Togo est un des plus petits pays objet de l’étude : sa superficie n’est que de 56 785 km², grossièrement répartis en deux systèmes de plaines, un au Nord et un au Sud, séparés par un ensemble de plateaux centraux, dont le massif de l’Atakora. Par contre, la population est relativement importante avec près de 6 millions d’habitants (avec un taux de croissance annuel de 2,7 % pour la période 2000-2006)1, dont près de 40 % dans les agglomérations de plus de 5 000 habitants. Selon une formule de R. Cornevin, le Togo représente « toute l’Afrique en 600 kilomètres »2.

Customary Land in Zambia

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2009

The study has established that customary land in Zambia is enormously significant because land is central to human existence and a large proportion of Zambians depend on it for their livelihood. Customary land in Zambia is the source of food and other necessaries for human existence for the villagers whose entire spectrum of perceptions of life are rooted in the cultural configurations and heritage of rural activities. Further, the study has found that the land can be made more productive without converting it to leasehold.

From Conflict to Peacebuilding

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2009

Since 1990 at least eighteen violent conflicts have been fuelled by the exploitation of natural resources. In fact, recent research suggests that over the last sixty years at least forty percent of all intrastate conflicts have a link to natural resources. Civil wars such as those in Liberia, Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo have centred on high-value resources like timber, diamonds, gold, minerals and oil. Other conflicts, including those in Darfur and the Middle East, have involved control of scarce resources such as fertile land and water.