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Exploring the spatial variation of food poverty in Ecuador

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2005
Amérique du Sud

We examine the geographic dimensions of food consumption in Ecuador, which has one of the highest rates of chronic infant undernutrition in Latin America. We use statistical and spatial analyses to examine the distribution of food consumption and food poverty and to test and generate hypotheses of food poverty estimates at the district level. Results show that the food poor are concentrated in certain locations with a significant cluster identified in the central Andean region.

Identifying areas for field conservation of forages in Latin American disturbed environments

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2005
Amérique centrale
Amérique du Sud

This paper uses the spatial analysis tools DIVA and FloraMap to identify potential areas for the in situ conservation of a set of 10 forage species. We introduce the idea of roadside verges as conservation areas and discuss the risks and opportunities of two potential scenarios for conservation. These are the introduction of mass reservoirs outside of the original areas of collection and conservation inside the area of origin. Four potential areas for in situ conservation in Latin America are identified.

Methods, results and policy implications of poverty and food security mapping assessments

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2005

The importance of poverty reduction to the world development agenda has motivated greater interest in the geographic dimensions of poverty and food security. This special issue of Food Policy includes examples of poverty and food security mapping used to support policy development in agricultural and rural areas. The volume includes eight country case studies and one cross-country comparison that illustrate advances in our capacity to assess welfare over large areas and at detailed spatial resolutions.

Sistema georreferenciado de indicadores de calidad de suelos para los Llanos Orientales de Colombia : Estudio de caso: Municipio de Puerto López, Meta

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2005
Amérique du Sud

Geosoil permite almacenar, consultar e interpretar información tanto del suelo como de su entorno biofísico a diferentes escalas: parcela, finca, comunidad, municipio, departamento, región, país. Opera a partir de una base de datos relacional elaborada en ACCES 2000, compuesta por una serie de tablas principales estructuradas con información a diferentes niveles jerárquicos que permiten la caracterización de las propiedades del suelo.

Very high resolution interpolated climate surfaces for global land areas

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2005

We developed interpolated climate surfaces for global land areas (excluding Antarctica) at a spatial resolution of 30 arc s (often referred to as 1-km spatial resolution). The climate elements considered were monthly precipitation and mean, minimum, and maximum temperature. Input data were gathered from a variety of sources and, where possible, were restricted to records from the 1950 2000 period. We used the thin-plate smoothing spline algorithm implemented in the ANUSPLIN package for interpolation, using latitude, longitude, and elevation as independent variables.

Kenya Draft National Land Policy

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2005

Chapters include the land question, land policy issues, constitutional reform, land reform issues, land use management principles, land administration, land issues requiring special intervention, institutional framework, support agencies, land policy implementation framework, proposed organizational structure. This draft contains numerous corrections to the text, but the policy making process appears to have become stalled in the current crises. It has recently been made public thanks to the assertiveness of the Kenya Land Alliance.

Implications of the Recent Land Reforms in Tanzania on the Land Rights of Small Producers

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembre, 2005

The land tenure system of Tanzania has passed through different historical milestones which form the basis for the analysis of the land tenure regime in general and tenure relations for land owners and users in particular in the past eight decades. The history dates back to 1923 when the British colonial legislative assembly enacted the Land Ordinance cap 113 to guide and regulate land use and ownership in Tanganyika which was their protectorate colony. Prior to this law, all the land in Tanzania was owned under customary tenure governed by clan and tribal traditions.

Thésaurus multilingue du foncier

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2005
Burkina Faso
Sierra Leone

En 1999, la FAO publiait la première version française du Thésaurus multilingue du foncier. Cette version avait surtout pour vocation d'être mise à l'épreuve du terrain, c'est-à-dire soumise aux critiques constructives tant des usagers à la recherche d'informations et d'éclairages nouveaux que des experts du foncier. En effet, sur le fond comme sur la forme, sont apparus un certain nombre de points forts mais aussi des lacunes, relevés depuis 1999 par l'équipe des rédacteurs et par de nombreux autres spécialistes du foncier.

Contestation, Confusion and Corruption: Market-Based Land Reform in Zambia

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2005

Following introductory historical sections, paper focuses on the impact of land-market reform at the village level – including the extent of conversions, conversions for elites, land speculation, displacement, enclosures, conflict and resistance – and on the (mal)administration of land. Concludes that the benefits of market-based land reform have accrued to local elites and outside investors. Land administration has proved highly malleable and is subject to perversion by local elites, traditional rulers, outside investors, and government officials.

Will formalising property rights reduce poverty in South Africa’s ‘second economy’?

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septembre, 2005
Afrique du Sud

De Soto’s influential book The mystery of capital offers a simple yet beguiling message: capitalism can be made to work for the poor, through formalising their property rights in houses, land and small businesses. This approach resonates strongly in the South African context, where private property works well for those who inhabit the so-called ‘first economy’. Evidence from South Africa, however, suggests that many of de Soto’s policy prescriptions may be inappropriate for the poorest and most vulnerable in our society, and have negative impacts on their security and well-being.


Reports & Research
Septembre, 2005

Este relatório representa uma actividade do Programa de Legislação de Terras (LLPII) de Timor-Leste da United States Agency for International Development (USAID), que exige um estudo comparativo da organização, jurisdição e coordenação das instituições governamentais que se ocupam das questões da terra.