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Improving Quality of Land Administration in Sri Lanka

Reports & Research
Mai, 2017
Sri Lanka

Land administration in Sri Lanka is institutionally and functionally fragmented and geographically incomplete. The current situation is an impediment to spatial planning and land and natural resources management with direct impact to economic growth and social development. Sri Lanka should embark to an orchestrated and incremental improvement of policies, institutional arrangements and technical solutions to improve clarity, ownership and sustainability of the land administration system and services.

Improving Land Administration and Management for Sustainable Urban Development

Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
Mai, 2017
Asie orientale

This policy note assesses the performance of existing land administration and management (LAM) system in the Philippines in creating an environment for competitive cities. It looks at the influence of LAM (including property rights) in the proper functioning of land markets in urban areas; the effectiveness of land use planning and regulations in shaping urban growth, reducing informality, and improving efficiency in use of space; and the impacts of property valuation and taxation practices in generating revenues to finance local development plans.

Land Consolidation and Land Readjustment for Sustainable Development – the Issues to be Addressed

Conference Papers & Reports
Avril, 2017

From 9 to 11 November 2016 the ‘symposium on land consolidation and land readjustment for sustainable development’ was held in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. The symposium was a joint initiative from FIG commissions 7 and 8, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), LANDNET, the Dutch Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency, and supported by Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) and the World Bank. About 200 participants from 50 countries shared their experiences and knowledge about state of the art practices of land consolidation and land readjustment across the world.

Automated cropland mapping of continental Africa using Google Earth Engine cloud computing

Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2017

The automation of agricultural mapping using satellite-derived remotely sensed data remains a challenge in Africa because of the heterogeneous and fragmental landscape, complex crop cycles, and limited access to local knowledge. Currently, consistent, continent-wide routine cropland mapping of Africa does not exist, with most studies focused either on certain portions of the continent or at most a one-time effort at mapping the continent at coarse resolution remote sensing.

The Pending EU-Myanmar Investment Protection Agreement: Risks & Opportunities

Reports & Research
Avril, 2017

Conclusions: "Widespread land conflicts and pending land governance reform, also in relation to the larger
ongoing peace process, form the key reason for opposition to the pending EU-Myanmar IPA.
As previously explained, land rights are not well established and populations living or working
on land acquired for large-scale investment projects have protested over forced evictions, loss
of livelihoods, inadequate consultation and compensation. Land governance reform is

Understanding, preventing and solving land conflicts: A practical guide and toolbox

Training Resources & Tools
Mars, 2017

This guide is intended for practitioners who are confronted with land conflicts in the course of their work or are in a position to prevent them and/or include land governance as one pillar in their policies. It aims to broaden the understanding of the complexity of causes that lead to land conflicts in order to provide for better-targeted ways of addressing such conflicts, and provides a number of tools with which to analyse land disputes. In addition, this guidebook discusses a wide variety of options and tools for settling ongoing land conflicts and for preventing new ones.

A Guide to Gender Impact Assessment for the Extractive Industries

Manuals & Guidelines
Mars, 2017

This guide provides information for companies in the mining, oil and gas sector - and their consultants - on how to undertake a gender impact assessment to gain and maintain a “social licence to operate” with impacted communities and avoid conflict and costly shut-downs. It

• describes some important principles and approaches that should underpin a gender impact assessment,

• provides a framework for companies to identify, understand and respond to the gender impacts of an extractive industry project, and

• outlines some key concepts, definitions and case studies.

Restoration of Land Rights of People Affected by Land Appropriations and Tenure Insecurity

Reports & Research
Mars, 2017
Sri Lanka

This study is prepared using the data analysis of a field study conducted in January 2017 in the Districts of Monaragala, Ampara, Trincomalee, Mullaitivu and Jaffna in Sri Lanka focusing on the land rights violations that took place in the recent past due to the appropriation of land from the ordinary citizens by the security forces and individuals backed by powerful people and, the tenure security problems faced by the landless rural communities in Monaragala and Ampara districts and the sugar cane farmers living in the settlements of Pelwatta Sugar Company, which is now owned by the gover

Philippines Urbanization Review

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Mars, 2017
Asie orientale

Urbanization is a driving force for growth and poverty reduction. Globally, over 80 percent of economic activity is concentrated in cities, and cities are essential for lifting millions of people out of poverty through the opportunities that density and agglomeration can bring with jobs, services, and innovation. However, if not carefully managed and planned for, the benefits of urbanization are not realized and can result in congestion, slums, pollution, inequality and crime. City competitiveness is an important part of successful urbanization.