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Environmental Identities and Attitude towards Crude Oil Pipeline Vandalism in Niger Delta Oil-Producing Communities

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2022

Environmental identities and attitude towards oil pipeline vandalism in Niger Delta oil-producing communities were examined to show whether low environmental identity is associated with an environmentally destructive attitude, as well as how such issues may be connected with incidents of oil pipeline vandalism in the area.

Adoption of Renewable Energy Technology on Farms for Sustainable and Efficient Production: Exploring the Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Farmer Perception and Government Policies

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2022

Traditional energy consumption raises greenhouse gas emissions, which is a major concern in China. Agricultural energy consumption accounts for one third of China’s greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, current patterns of energy consumption on farms are both unsustainable and inadequate since rural communities in emerging nations have limited access to energy sources.

Environmental Identities and Attitude towards Crude Oil Pipeline Vandalism in Niger Delta Oil-Producing Communities

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2022

Environmental identities and attitude towards oil pipeline vandalism in Niger Delta oil-producing communities were examined to show whether low environmental identity is associated with an environmentally destructive attitude, as well as how such issues may be connected with incidents of oil pipeline vandalism in the area.

Adoption of Renewable Energy Technology on Farms for Sustainable and Efficient Production: Exploring the Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Farmer Perception and Government Policies

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2022

Traditional energy consumption raises greenhouse gas emissions, which is a major concern in China. Agricultural energy consumption accounts for one third of China’s greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, current patterns of energy consumption on farms are both unsustainable and inadequate since rural communities in emerging nations have limited access to energy sources.

Peri-Urban Pressures: The Interplay of Land Strategies and Urbanization in Algeria’s Oran Metropolis

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2022

In contemporary times the worldwide trend of urban expansion has become an inexorable force This article engages in a comprehensive examination of the intricate dynamics surrounding urban sprawl and land utilization within the periurban regions of significant Algerian municipalities with a specific focus on the city of Oran Employing a methodology rooted in social geography this study deploys a

Dynamics of Informal Settlement Expansion on the Urban Fringe: The Case of Birbir Town, Southern Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2022

This study examines the dynamics of fringe land invasion in Birbir Town southern Ethiopia by adopting a descriptive survey design with both qualitative and quantitative data analyses Primary data were acquired through a household survey key informant interviews focus group discussions and observations This study also benefited from relevant secondary sources Using a simple random sampling techn

Territoriality in Post-conflict Neighbourhoods: Unravelling the Dynamics of Territorial Marks in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2022

The pervasiveness of territorial marks in postconflict neighbourhoods elicited this study Relying on residents perceptions the study explored the dynamics underpinning residents use of territorial marks Primary data was collected by administering questionnaires to residents of various neighbourhoods within the study area Physical observations were conducted to identify all residential neighbour

Revitalizing Urban Governance: Integrating Smart Growth and Decolonial Perspectives for Municipal Empowerment in Shaping Growth Across Egyptian Desert Landscapes

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2022

This article explores the connection between Smart Growth and the decolonization of urban growth management in Egypt examining the impact of former colonial influence on present urban policy and practices Drawing insights from the urbanization of Egyptian desert areas before and after the New Urban Communities Program NUCP it scrutinizes how historical influences adversely affect contemporary a

From Urban Vulnerabilities to Resilience: Lessons from Messina's Integrated Risk Approach

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2022

In the city of Messina the multiplicity of vulnerable situations is a distinctive feature and is representative of the pervasiveness of the risk conditions present in the Italian territory The critical residential tissues are part of an extended geography in which to the conditions of seismic and hydro geomorphological vulnerability are added additional criticalities including altered natural r

Impact of Urban Heat Island on Formation of Precipitation in Indian Western Coastal Cities

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2022

Rapid urbanization is leading to a drastic hike in anthropogenic activities and urban surface alterations As a result there are many repercussions one of them being higher temperatures in urban areas when compared to rural areas This phenomenon is termed Urban Heat Island UHI The impacts of urban surface characteristics climate and population density on UHI have been extensively studied However

Liveability Considerations: Towards Designing Sustainable Public Housing in Niger State, Nigeria

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2022

This study investigates liveability in the context of sustainable public housing in Niger State Nigeria where existing housing efforts have fallen short of residents satisfaction Recognizing the critical link between liveability indicators and environmental sustainability this research aims to identify key liveability variables that could be integrated into the design and construction of sustai