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Land: A Tool for Climate Change Mitigation

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2009

The Kyoto Protocol negotiated in the mid-1990s to address climate change adaptation and mitigation will be replaced by a post-Kyoto agreement in 2012. The new agreement under negotiation needs to seal the policy gaps in adaptation and mitigation that were omitted or excluded from Kyoto on account of scientific uncertainties. Particular attention needs to be given to the potential of land in all its dimensions considering its high capacity to store carbon. Land stores twice as much organic carbon as vegetation and the atmosphere combined.

International Climate Change Negotiations: Ensuring Support for Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in Smallholder Agriculture

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2009

The issue of climate change was already being discussed in the 1980s as scientists raised alarm over the world's increasing emission of manmade green house gases (GHGs), the main cause of global warming. In 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), began to look into the effects of manmade GHG emissions on climate change. Following the release of the IPCC findings in 1990, the United Nations initiated the process of convening countries with the goal of reducing man-made GHG emissions and helping countries adapt to climate change.

Rubber Production in Northern Laos: Geographies of Growth and Contractual Diversity

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2009

ABSTRACTED FROM INTRODUCTION: Lao PDR is the least densely populated country in Asia and has long been remote and isolated from the rest of the continent. This role has only recently begun to change. The geographic location of Laos between the booming economies of Thailand, Vietnam, and China has led to the perception of Laos as a potential crossroads of the tightly integrated GMS an organization promoting trade, tourism, and development between countries through which the Mekong River runs. However, this is a role it has been somewhat reluctant to accept.

Los bosques y el agua: Estudio temático elaborado en el ámbito de la Evaluación de los recursos forestales mundiales 2005

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2009
El Salvador
Costa Rica

En muchas regiones del mundo, la disponibilidad y calidad del agua potable cada vez está más amenazada por su explotación excesiva, el mal uso y la contaminación. En este contexto, la relación entre los bosques y el agua debe recibir una gran prioridad. Las cuencas de captación forestales suministran una gran parte del agua destinada a satisfacer las necesidades domésticas, agrícolas, industriales y ecológicas, tanto en las zonas de río arriba como en las de río abajo.

Guidelines for the identification, selection and description of nationally based indicators of land degradation and improvement

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2009

This guidelines booklet is addressed to the LADA partner countries and, more in general, to the increasing number of countries which are expressing their interest in implementing the LADA approach for mapping Land Degradation. The specific objective is to provide guidelines for the identification, selection and description of nationally based indicators of land degradation. The LADA approach is well defined by a range of specific documents and manuals. The National indicators common to all countries are based on the LADA-Wocat QM manual.

Les forêts et l’eau:Étude thématique préparée dans le cadre de l’Évalution des ressources forestières mondiales 2005

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2009
Costa Rica

Dans de nombreuses régions du monde, la quantité d’eau potable et sa qualité sont menacées par la surexploitation, le mauvais usage et la pollution. Il est nécessaire à cet égard d’accorder une haute priorité aux relations entre les forêts et l’eau. Les bassins versants boisés fournissent un pourcentage important de toute l’eau utilisée à des fins domestiques, agricoles, industrielles et écologiques, dans les zones situées tant en amont qu’en aval.

Benefits of Sustainable Land Management

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2009
République arabe syrienne

Desertification, land degradation and drought affect more than 2 billion people and the situation might worsen due to the unsustainable use of soil and water under present scenarios of climate change. The UNCCD 10-year strategy points out the importance of science, knowledge sharing systems and awareness raising to support policymakers in reversing this trend. Sustainable land management practices, including sustainable agriculture, provide important local, regional and global benefits.

Factsheets about the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2009

Established in 1994, the United Nations to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is the sole legally binding international agreement linking environment and development to sustainable land management. The Convention addresses specifically the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas, known as the drylands, where some of the most vulnerable ecosystems and peoples can be found.

Climate change in the African drylands: Options and opportunities for adaptation and mitigation

Manuals & Guidelines
Octobre, 2009

The drylands of Africa, exclusive of hyper-arid zones, occupy about 43 per cent of the continent, and are home to a rapidly growing population that currently stands at about 325 million people. Dry zones, inclusive of hyper-arid lands, cover over 70 per cent of the continent’s terrestrial surface. Outside of the cities many dryland inhabitants are either pastoralists, sedentary or nomadic, or agro-pastoralists, combining livestock-rearing and crop production where conditions allow.

Critical Issues on the Growing Market Power of Transnational Agribusinesses

Reports & Research
Août, 2009

There is a need to distinguish between small-scale, subsistence family-based farming, small to medium scale businesses in the agriculture sector that is the predominant mode in the global south on one hand and; the operations of agribusiness (whether a large local corporation or transnational corporation) found in the agricultural sector of many countries that are typically large in size and capital on the other.

South-South REDD

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2009

The implementation of the South–South REDD process was made achievable by those who assumed leadership roles (political and technical), facilitated the meetings and the logistics on the ground (especially the consultations and training) and acted as resources people. It would be impossible to name everyone, but in particular we would like to thank the Minister of Environment, Alcinda Abreu, and Vice-Minister, Ana Chichava, who provided the leadership and often challenged the technical experts.