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Urban Development

Reports & Research
Décembre, 1996

RIP: Rest In Pieces"...

On Nov 14th 1996, the Slorc posted a notice at the gate of Kyandaw Cemetery giving relatives one month's notice to move the remains to a new site at Shwe Nyaung-bin, two hours drive from Rangoon.


Reports & Research
Octobre, 1990

The oft-cited UN Habitat report on the 1989-1990 urban resettlement programme in Burma which the report estimates affected 1.5 million people (16 percent of the urban population). "...During the early months of 1990 international attention was focused on the Yangon squatter clearance and resettlement programme launched by the Government in 1989. The Mission found that the programme is not limited to Yangon, but has broad national coverage.

Interviews in Satellite Villages

Reports & Research
Juillet, 1990

from Dawn, Vol. 2 No. 13, July 1990...
"Recently, a report, with, photos was received from friends inside Burma. The report contains interviews with people who were recently relocated, under duress, to areas around Rangoon called "New Towns". Few such reports have been received, so DAWN wishes to give extra space in this issue to this reality of life in Burma

Intégration des politiques et programmes relatifs aux établissements humains à la planification du développement socio-économique national cadre et méthodes

Conference Papers & Reports
Janvier, 1987

La planification du développement dans les pays africains était au départ(années 50 - début des années 70) perdue et conçue essentiellement comme une planification macro-économique. Cette perception mettait essentiellement l'accent sur la projection et la maximisation des agrégats économiques nationaux tels que le PIB, le PNB, le revenu par habitant, le niveau de l'emploi, la stabilité des

niveaux de prix comme seuls moyens de mesurer le développement économique.

Integrating Human Settlements Policies and Programmes into National Socio-Economic Development Planning : framework and methodologies

Reports & Research
Décembre, 1986

Earlier (1950s - early 1970s) development planning in African countries was essentially perceived and conceived as macro-economic planning. This perception placed overriding emphasis on the projection and maximization of national economic aggregates such as the GDP, the GNP per capita income, level of employment, stability of price levels etc. as sole measures of economic development performance.

Considération pour une politique des établissements humains en Afrique: le problème foncier en milieu urbain et les programmes de logement pour le plus grand nombre

Conference Papers & Reports
Mai, 1985

La majorité des populations urbaines dans la plupart des pays africains ne disposent que de faibles revenus et ne peuvent se permettre les fortes défenses en capital nécessaires à l'acquisition d'un logement. Toutefois, il semble que, s'ils avaient la possibilité d'acquérir des terrains, les économiquement faibles seraient capables de se construire des logements relativement convenables.

Thoughts on a human settlement policy in Africa: the land problem in urban areas and housing programmes for the masses

Conference Papers & Reports
Avril, 1985

In this document the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Africa analyses the land problem in the urban areas and housing programmes for the masses. The document is in five main parts. The first part introduces the land issue in human settlements policy and identifies areas requiring attention in the interest of an orderly use of land in urban areas.

Policies and programmes relating to human settlements : aspects of urban land policies and of policies for rational urban promotion and the elimination of uncontrolled settlements and SLUMS

Conference Papers & Reports
Mai, 1975

This paper focused on the policies and programmes relating to human settlements, aspects of urban land policies and of policies for rational urban promotion and the elimination of uncontrolled settlements and slums.