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Participating in Socially Responsible Land Investment - Model Guidebook for Communities Considering Agricultural Investment

Manuals & Guidelines
Février, 2020

This guide takes communities and their leaders, and 'ocal and national civil society organisations, through the steps needed to ensure that land investments in the community are carried out inclusively and responsibly.

Landesa Annual Report 2019

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2019

Around the world, land is the foundation of rural life. Perhaps no other asset can equal the transformative power of land to create economic opportunity, boost productivity and food security, and fulfill the promise of fundamental human rights and a life of basic dignity and access to justice.

Understanding the complexity of formalizing a reduction in size of a large scale oil palm concession in Sierra Leone

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2019
Sierra Leone

This document, presents a learning story from the LEGEND Challenge Fund that supported partnership projects by civil society and private sector business to test approaches through which private business can potentially contribute to more secure land rights and better land governance in agricultural investment sites and supply chains.

Norte do Pará: Situação Atual e Perspectivas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2019
América do Sul

O território do norte paraense possui 270.040,7 km², distribuídos em nove municípios: Alenquer, Almeirim, Curuá, Faro, Monte Alegre, Óbidos, Oriximiná, Prainha e Terra Santa. Tal área ocupa 22% do estado do Pará, o equivalente à soma dos estados de São Paulo e Sergipe (IBGE, 2019). Em 2019, esse território abrigava uma população estimada em apenas 344.385 habitantes (4% da população total do Pará). Além disso, seu incremento populacional tem ficado abaixo da média do restante do estado. De fato, a população do Norte do Pará aumentou somente 51.480 habitantes entre os anos 2000 e 2019.

Hoja Informativa N.º 5. Deforestación en comunidades nativas (CCNN): la necesidad de entender el contexto

Institutional & promotional materials
Décembre, 2019
South America

Esta hoja informativa presenta resultados cuantitativos y cualitativos sobre la deforestación en las comunidades nativas, así como mapas detallados sobre la deforestación entre 2001 y 2015 y sus posibles causas en las más de 1300 CCNN tituladas. También realiza un análisis a partir de la región, el pueblo indígena, la densidad poblacional, los años de ocupación del lugar y la distancia de carreteras. Se presentan detalles sobre las 10 CCNN más y menos deforestadas, sobre todo en San Martín y Ucayali, las regiones de trabajo del proyecto ProTierras Comunales (PTC).

As Áfricas Brasileiras

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2019
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

O Brasil possui um passivo social e histórico com as comunidades quilombolas, marcado pela escravidão e a exclusão. As questões fundiárias são aquelas que mais afligem essas comunidades, que lutam pela regularização ou ampliação de seus reduzidos territórios. Embora seja visível o avanço jurídico representado pela legislação desde a Constituição de 1988, as comunidades quilombolas são marcadas pela vivência cotidiana de conflitos por terra.

Training Manual - Working on Legitimacy in Land Governance

Manuals & Guidelines
Novembre, 2019

How state and customary authorities deal with land issues has important consequences for how they are viewed by citizens. This may be particularly the case in conflict-affected settings, where displacement and return cause tenure insecurity and land disputes, and where the legitimacy of state and non-state institutions is contested. ZOA and Radboud University have developed a training manual around legitimacy and land, based on research conducted by Radboud researchers in Uganda.

Strengthening local land registration in conflict-affected northern Uganda

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2019

The project ‘Grounded Legitimacy’ explored how interventions in land governance by development organizations feed into the legitimacy of state and non‐state public authorities, and how these development organizations may better take ‘legitimacy’ into account. This policy note presents key findings and their implications for policy makers.

EU Transversal support to country implementation - Colombia

Manuals & Guidelines
Novembre, 2019

n 2012, the National Government signed the Agreement for prosperity (Acuerdo para la Prosperidad No. 79), which seeks the conservation and sustainable use of the natural and cultural heritage of the country and aimed to create a space for dialogue between governmental institutions and the peasant delegations. This aiming to face the numerous socio-environmental challenges in Natural Parks and surrounding areas of protected areas. On the one hand, there is the transformation of the protected areas.

Apoyo transversal de la UE a la implementación del país - Colombia

Manuals & Guidelines
Novembre, 2019

En 2012, el Gobierno nacional firmó el Acuerdo para la Prosperidad N.o 79, que tiene como objeto el conservar y utilizar de manera sostenible el patrimonio natural y cultural del país y crear un espacio de diálogo entre las instituciones gubernamentales y las delegaciones campesinas. Con ello se pretende hacer frente a los numerosos retos socioambientales de los parques naturales y de las áreas protegidas circundantes.

Support transversal de l'UE à la mise en oeuvre dans les pays - Colombie

Manuals & Guidelines
Novembre, 2019

En 2012, le Gouvernement national a signé «l’accord de prospérité»(Acuerdo para la Prosperidad n°79), qui vise à conserver et à utiliser durablement le patrimoine naturel et culturel du pays et à créer un espace de dialogue entre les institutions gouvernementales et les délégations paysannes. Tout ceci vise à faire face aux nombreux problèmes socio-environnementaux qui existent dans les parcs naturels et les zones protégées environnantes.

La politique foncière de privatisation des terres collectives à l’épreuve des réalités d’appropriations et des conflits

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2019

Les terres collectives font l’objet depuis 2014 de plusieurs débats autour de la réforme de leur gestion. Trois nouvelles lois les concernant depuis fin 2019 promeuvent leur privatisation, appelée aussi melkisation, en favorisant l’investissement agricole par les ayants droit et l’ouverture aux investisseurs privés. Cet article propose une analyse croisée du processus politico-juridique de cette réforme et des réalités locales envisagées en termes d’accaparement de terres par les ayants droit.