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Arrêté n° 2017-1035/GNC du 16 mai 2017 relatif à l’application du statut du fermage en Nouvelle-Calédonie.

Mai, 2017

Le présent arrêté fixe, en application des articles Lp. 402, 406, 413, 432 et 441 du code agricole et pastoral de la Nouvelle-Calédonie: le contrat-type, auquel tout contrat de bail rural doit se conformer; le barème des loyers minima et maxima; les clauses environnementales pouvant être incluses dans les baux ruraux ; l'indemnité due au preneur sortant pour les bâtiments et les ouvrages incorporés au sol; la surface maximale pouvant être reprise par le bailleur en vue de la construction d'une maison d'habitation.

Directive for the application of provisions of article 51, paragraph 3 of the Law on agricultural land.

Mai, 2017

This Regulation prescribes the necessary procedure aimed for the Agency for agricultural land and for local Self-Government units as regards the application of provision brought by the article 51 (paragraph 3) of the Law on agricultural land (published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 39/2013 and 48/2015).The above mentioned provisions are related to the land use and land lease permits without public call principle, that expired on 31 May 2015.The Annex is also part of this publication (administrative forms).

Implements: Law on Agricultural Land. (2013-03-22)

Zambia’s peasants at risk of becoming squatters on their own land – UN expert warns

Reports & Research
Mai, 2017

The push to turn commercial large-scale agricultural into a driving engine of the Zambian economy, in a situation where the protection of access to land is weak, can risk pushing small-holder farmers and peasants off their land and out of production with severe impacts on the people’s right to food,” Ms. Elver said at the end of her first official visit to the country

Décret n°2017-932 portant création de la zone économique spéciale intégrée de Diass (ZESID).

Mai, 2017

Le présent décret crée la Zone économique spéciale intégrée de Diass" ou "ZESID", en application de l’article 5, alinéa 3 de la loi n° 2017-06 portant sur les zones économiques spéciales (ZES) et définit ses limites. La Zone économique spéciale intégrée de Diass est conçue pour favoriser l’émergence d’un environnement d’excellence pour l’entreprise, incluant une fiscalité incitative, des infrastructures de qualité, une régulation, une administration et une gestion opérationnelle répondant aux meilleurs standards internationaux.

Town and Country Planning (Kingston and Saint Andrew and the Pedro Cays) Provisional Development Order, 2017 (S.I. No. 55 of 2017).

Mai, 2017

This Order, made under section 5 of the Town and Country Planning Act, provides for a wide variety of matters regarding the administration and development of the areas of the Parishes of Kingston and Saint Andrew and the Pedro Cays as described in the First Schedule.

Measures for the Administration of Overall Land Use Planing.

Mai, 2017

The Measures, containing 46 Articles divided into 9 Chapters, provide for the preparation, examination and approval, implementation, revision and supervision of the overall land use planning. The overall land use planning is divided into five levels: national, provincial, municipal, county and township (town) level. The village land use planning is an important part of the overall land use planning of the township (town).

Understanding changing land access and use by the rural poor in Ghana

Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2017

In Ghana 70 per cent of the population are smallholder farmers who depend on the land for their basic needs. Growing competition for this resource is having significant impacts on rural livelihoods and governance as land changes hands. This study highlights the key drivers of pressure on rural land and their communities, such as population growth, urbanisation and acquisition of land by new actors, including government and business.

Estratégia de produção camponesa em Moçambique estudo de caso no sul do Save

Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2017

Este estudo tem por objectivo analisar as estratégias de produção dos pequenos produtores no Sul do Save, em Moçambique. A análise assenta na recolha de dados primários obtidos a partir da administração, em 2015, de 1200 questionários junto da população alvo, no âmbito de um projecto de investigação em curso no Observatório do Meio Rural (OMR) em Moçambique. A reflexão aqui apresentada inspira-se nos contributos das principais correntes teóricas e estudos empíricos relacionados com as estratégias de produção dos pequenos produtores.

Acuerdo Nº 94 - Procesos metodológicos para la definición de las zonas agroecológicas homogéneas y el cálculo de la Unidad Productiva Familiar (UPF).

Avril, 2017

El presente Acuerdo establece los procesos metodológicos para la definición de las zonas agroecológicas homogéneas y el cálculo de la Unidad Productiva Familiar (UPF) para las provincias de la Sierra y del Litoral, de conformidad con el Informe Técnico en el cual se establecen 33 Zonas Agroecológicas Homogéneas, y en base a las cuales se delimita la superficie referencial de la UPF de cada zona a nivel cantonal.

Acuerdo Nº 73 - Manual de procedimientos y trámites administrativos en materia de tierras rurales establecidos en la Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales y su Reglamento General.

Avril, 2017

El presente Acuerdo tiene por objeto establecer los procedimientos que la dependencia encargada de tierras, sea la Subsecretaría de Tierras y Reforma Agraria o la unidad administrativa que la reemplace, por delegación de la Autoridad Agraria Nacional, debe ejecutar para dar cumplimiento a las disposiciones contenidas en la Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales y su Reglamento General de aplicación.