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Regional Law No. 69 “On food tax”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that all producers of agricultural commodities shall be subject to mandatory payment of single food tax. Objects of taxation shall be agricultural land held by the producers of agricultural commodities on condition of ownership, tenancy or lease. Food tax shall be paid in the natural form: (a) in grain by grain farming enterprises; (b) in poultry products by poultry farming enterprises; and (c) in natural products calculated as equivalent to a metric ton of grain by other enterprises producing agricultural commodities.

Law on pastures No. 4342.

Asie occidentale

This Law sets forth basic procedures and rules for the defining and allocation of pasture areas to various villages and municipalities. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is authorized to determine the boundaries of pastures and their allocation to relevant entities. The procedure for this application is clearly defined in the Law. The finalized boundaries are then recorded to corresponding title deeds. Allocation process is renewed every five years.

Act No. 93 creating the Fund for Lands and Agricultural Reform - 'Banco da Terra'.

Amérique du Sud

This Act creates the Fund for Lands and Agricultural Reform - 'Banco da Terra' aimed to give financial assistance in order to enforce rural programmes. It consists of 14 articles specifying the requirements to be satisfied in order to obtain these incentives for agricultural development. Beneficiaries of this financial assistance programme are: farmers non-owners (working under concession, leasing, etc. for more than 5 years in agro-zootechnics); owners of agricultural lands for family sustenance (according to article 4 of Law No. 4.504 of 30 November 1964).

Decree-Law No. 364/98 establishing the obligation to draw up a map concerning urban areas subject to flood risk.

Europe méridionale

This Decree-Law establishes the obligation to draw up a map concerning urban areas subject to flood risk. It consists of 5 articles establishing the requirements to be satisfied by the Municipal Plans for Territory Management (PMOT) in order to prevent water flood and to guarantee soil protection within the involved areas. PMOT Regulations establish necessary restrictions in order to avoid flood risks.

Loi nº 2000-10 complétant la loi nº 74-53 relative au certificat de possession.

Afrique septentrionale

L'octroi du certificat de possession, prévu par la loi nº 74-53, est subordonné à l'engagement de celui qui le demande à réaliser un projet de mise en valeur ou une action de développement sur la terre objet de la demande de certificat. Le titulaire du certificat pourra, à l'expiration d'un délai de 5 ans à compter de la délivrance du certificat, présenter une demande pour immatriculer la terre objet du certificat, à condition que la mise en valeur soit continue durant toute la période considérée.

Modifie: Loi nº 74-53 relative au certificat de possession. (1974-06-10)

Act XXXIII of 1991 on the transfer of ownership of certain state owned assets to local governments.

Europe orientale

The purpose of this Act is to determine in detail the transfer of ownership of state owned assets to local government, and so to ensure the necessary assets to the functioning of the latter. Chapter I rules the transfer of assets to local governments such as flats and premises other than flats, monuments, protected natural areas, lands, the assets of public utilities, water resources (except for transboundary waters), water works and water supply services. Chapter II regards the transfer of the management right of real estates.

Ley Nº 345 - Ley de restablecimiento de los plazos establecidos en la Ley Nº 278, sobre propiedad reformada urbana y agraria.

Amérique centrale

La presente Ley, que consta de 3 artículos, restablece por el termino de 18 meses el plazo y las modalidades de pago establecido en el articulo 98 de la Ley Nº 278 para cancelar el impuesto de bienes inmuebles. Asimismo, restablece hasta el 23 de diciembre de 2000 el plazo establecido en el articulo 2º de la Ley Nº 288 para que la Comisión Nacional de Revisión de Confiscaciones continúe recibiendo solicitudes de reclamos.

Law No. 516-IG on mortgage.

Asie occidentale

Section 4 regards specific nature of mortgage (hypothecation) of land sites. It specifies that According to agreement on hypothecation, land sites in ownership may be given to mortgage. Hypothecation of land sites in collective ownership in residential areas, including those in towns, where in accordance with regulations on urban development it is prohibited to erect buildings and structures at specially protected territories and in zones, land sites intended for special use, belonging to state or municipal bodies, is not permitted.

Law No. 4 on administration of agricultural land.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

This Law regulates legal relations in administration of agricultural land and aims at promotion of efficient and safe use of land in the interests of the people of the Kyrgyz Republic. Land is a national treasure of the Kyrgyz Republic and the property of the people, which lives on its territory. (art. 5). The State and exclusively citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic who permanently reside in rural location for at least two years have the ownership right to agricultural land in the Kyrgyz Republic (art. 6).

Regional Act No. 20 laying down the legislative framework in matter of land use and land preservation.

Europe méridionale

The present Act provides for the protection of the territory of the Emilia Romagna Region by making rules on land use planning. Cooperation among the Region, the Provinces and the Communes in the field of land use planning and programming is hereby encouraged. Title I lays down general principles applicable to the elaboration of such plans. One of the main objectives is the protection of the environment and natural resources through the reduction or mitigation of impacts that may arise out of plans and projects.