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Decreto Legislativo Nº 803 - Ley de promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Ley declara de interés nacional la promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal y su inscripción registral con el fin de garantizar los derechos de todos los ciudadanos a la propiedad y al ejercicio de la iniciativa privada en una economía social de mercado, y crea la Comisión de Formalización de la Propiedad Informal (COFOPRI), como organismo rector máximo encargado de diseñar y ejecutar de manera integral, comprehensiva y rápida un programa de formalización de la propiedad y de su mantenimiento dentro de la formalidad.

Regulation of the relations of ownership of land and other agrarian property (Act of 21 May 1991).

République tchèque
Europe orientale

The Preamble of this Act declares the purposes of the enactment of new provisions relating to the ownership of land to be: (a) to alleviate the consequences of some injuries suffered by the owners of agrarian and forest property in the period of 1948 to 1989; (b) to provide conditions for improvement in the care of farm and forest land through renewing the original relations of ownership of land; and (c) to create conditions in accordance with the need of economic development of rural regions and in accordance with requirements for landscape and environment conservation and management.The t

Act No. 8.629 regulating rural land property in compliance with the Agrarian Reform.

Amérique du Sud

This Act regulates rural land property in compliance with Agicultural Reform. It consists of 28 articles establishing the requirements to be satisfied by rural lands in order to be exploited or not, according to chapter III, title VII, of the Federal Constitution. It also defines different use of 'rural lands' for activity concerning agriculture, forestry, sylvo-pastoralism, stockbreeding, etc. and prohibits land exploitation when they are protected areas.

Agrarian Services (Amendment) Act 1991 (No. 4 of 1991).

Sri Lanka
Asie méridionale

The Act amends several sections of the Agrarian Services Act 1979, concerning inter alia the procedure of eviction of paddy lands, the nomination of successors to the rights of tenant cultivators, the effects of transfer of rights of tenant cultivators, the payment and recovery of rent, the Agrarian Services Committees, the Cultivation Officers, the purposes for which paddy land may be used.The following new sections are inserted: (a) 5A and 5B on exemption of paddy lands; (b) 12A on the sale of paddy lands and tenancy rights; (c) 16A on willful neglect of cultivation by the tenant cultivat

Agrarian Services (Amendment) Act 1990 (No. 9 of 1990).

Sri Lanka
Asie méridionale

Act No. 58 of 1979 is amended by adding to the end of section 27 the following paragraph: "For the purpose of this subsection, "interest" includes the "ande" rights of a tenant cultivator, the rights of a lessee of such land and the rights of the majority of the co-owners of land held in "thatumaru". Further amendments are made with respect to sections 29 and 30, on the granting of loans.

Amended by: Agrarian Services (Amendment) Act No. 40 of 1993. (1993--9--8)
Amends: Agrarian Services Act 1979 (No. 58 of 1979). (1979-09-25)

Land Conservation and Improvement Act (No. 10 of 1992).


This Act provides for the conservation of land in St. Lucia, for the establishment of a Board to be known as the Land Conservation Board, for conferring on that Board functions as to land, and for purposes connected therewith or incidental thereto. Land is defined as including land covered by water and in fact this Act contains provisions on drainage works.

Ley sobre disolución de latifundios y protección a la industria ganadera.

Amérique centrale

La presente Ley declara de utilidad pública en el Estado de Coahuila el fraccionamiento de los latifundios y el fomento o desarrollo de la industria ganadera. En este sentido la Ley prohíbe en el Estado de Coahuila el dominio de latifundios en manos de una sola persona física o jurídica (entendiéndose por latifundio toda propiedad territorial que exceda de cincuenta mil hectáreas destinadas a la explotación de la ganadería

Act No. 504 of 1995 to amend the Land Lease Act.

Europe occidentale

This Act amends provisions of the principal Act with the scope of bringing about improvement of the offer of arable land including land suitable for fast growing timber forestry. Provisions deal with revision of lease rates, alienation of land within 10 years after acquisition with preferential rights by former leaseholders, public lease, special short-term lease contracts, protection of leaseholders against strict terms imposed by landlords and other connected matters. (5 articles)

Loi nº 34-94 relative à la limitation du morcellement des propriétés agricoles situées à l'intérieur des périmètres d'irrigation et des périmètres de mise en valeur en bour promulgué par le dahir nº 1-95-152 du 11 août 1995.

Afrique septentrionale

Cette loi porte limitation du morcellement des propriétés agricoles situées à l'intérieur des périmètres d'irrigation et des périmètres de mise en valeur en bour délimités. Dans les périmètres d'irrigation, la superficie minimum d'exploitation est fixée à 5 hectares; à l'extérieur elle doit être suffisante pour dégager un revenu permettant de rémunérer deux travailleurs agricoles. Font exception les morcellements pour la création ou l'extension d'entreprises non agricoles et en cas d'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique.

Land Management Authority Act, 1973.


This Act applies to agricultural land and establishes the Dominica Land Management Authority and provides for its powers and functions (sects. 3 and 24). The objectives of the Authority are, inter alia, to develop proper land use in state-owned and privately owned lands, to borrow funds and make loans to farmers, to purchase land to create economic farm units, to provide training for farmers, to assist in promoting the development of agriculture (sect. 4). "Agriculture" includes forestry and fisheries. The Authority may make loans to farmers (sect.

Land Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, 1991.

Asie occidentale

The Land Code (115 articles) is divided into 16 sections: General Provisions (1), Rights and obligations of proprietors (2), Farmland (3), Landownership, landholding and land use (4), Land of settlements (5), Land for industry, transportation, communication and other purposes (6), Land in sub-urban and green zones (7), Land of forest, water bodies and the land reserve (8), Damages (9), Land protection (10), Monitoring the use and protection of land (11), State land records (12), Land management (13), Settlement of disputes (14), Accountability (15) and International treaties (16).The Code o